This repository is for team A: Ghaith & Ghada
We wont be directly writting into this repo, please consider forking it, whenever you are adding code you can add a pul request here, this would make code review smoother.
In order to optimise it's search for remote jobs thought of a scraper to centralize the relevants opportunities in one output.
- The user input a keyword (for instance "data_science").
- The app would respond with jobs related to that keyword.
There is no restrictions concerning the technology stack used, the same goes for the output format
Designs are meant to always change, so feel free to adjust whenever needed.
Always Inform your teammate about changes, starting a component, commits...
Sometime a code that is not conform to the design slip through the net and make it into the repository, you can prevent that from happening.
Ideally you want to have something running early to engage with the clients and sprints, so better keep it simple at first and focus on a minimal functional version.
You will be frustrated if your app crach during demo or shippement.
Your client will value more your solution if his technical team understand it.
sudo apt install mongodb-clients mongodb-server
$mongo -> opens mongo command line
uses db -> use "dbName"
db.collection.find().pretty() -> displays collection content
###To run the python code: with the comande line, we go into the project folder and run :