ruby_home is an implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol (HAP) to create your own HomeKit accessory in Ruby. HomeKit is a set of protocols and libraries to access devices for home automation. A non-commercial version of the protocol documentation is available on the HomeKit developer website.
To use ruby_home, you will need to install libsodium:
At least version 1.0.9
is required.
For OS X users, libsodium is available via homebrew and can be installed with:
brew install libsodium
For Debian users, libsodium is available via apt:
sudo apt-get install libsodium-dev
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'ruby_home'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself with:
$ gem install ruby_home
Create a fan with an on/off switch:
require 'ruby_home'
accessory_information = RubyHome::ServiceFactory.create(:accessory_information)
fan = RubyHome::ServiceFactory.create(:fan)
fan.on.after_update do |updated_value|
if updated_value
puts "Fan switched on"
puts "Fan switched off"
The following example services are available:
- Air quality sensor
- Carbon dioxide sensor
- Carbon monoxide sensor
- Contact sensor
- Humidity sensor
- Leak sensor
- Light sensor
- Motion sensor
- Occupancy sensor
- Smoke sensor
- Temperature sensor
- Air purifier
- Battery service
- Door
- Fan
- Fan V2
- Garage door opener
- Heater cooler
- Humidifier dehumidifier
- Lightbulb
- Lock mechanism
- Outlet
- Security system
- Switch
- Television
- Thermostat
- Window
- Window covering
The configuration options can be set by using the configure
RubyHome.configure do |c|
c.discovery_name = 'My Home'
The following is the full list of available configuration options:
Method | Description | Default | Example | Type |
discovery_name |
The user-visible name of the accessory | "RubyHome" |
"My Home" |
String |
model_name |
The model name of the accessory | "RubyHome" |
"Device1,1" |
String |
password |
Used for pairing, must conform to the format XXX-XX-XXX where each X is a 0-9 digit and dashes are required | Randomly generated | "101-48-005" |
String |
host |
The hostname or IP address of the interface to listen on | "" |
"" |
String |
port |
The port that should be used when starting the built-in web server | 4567 |
8080 |
Integer |
category_identifier |
Indicates the category that best describes the primary function of the accessory. | :bridge |
:fan |
Symbol |
RubyHome tries to provide sane defaults for all services. Customization of any of the options is possible.
require 'ruby_home'
accessory_information = RubyHome::ServiceFactory.create(:accessory_information,
firmware_revision: '4.3.18421',
manufacturer: 'Fake Company',
model: 'BSB001',
name: 'Kickass fan bridge',
serial_number: 'AB1-UK-A123456',
category_identifier: :fan
fan = RubyHome::ServiceFactory.create(:fan,
on: false,
rotation_speed: 50,
rotation_direction: 1,
firmware_revision: '105.0.21169',
manufacturer: 'Fake Company',
model: 'LWB006',
name: 'Kickass fan',
serial_number: '123-UK-A12345'
fan.on.after_update do |updated_value|
if updated_value
puts "Fan switched on"
puts "Fan switched off"
If you have a service with characteristics that can be changed outside of Ruby Home, you'll want to keep Ruby Home in sync with these modifications. Otherwise, the characteristics current value won't correspond with reality. The simplest way to do this is a background job that periodically polls the devices current status and updates the corresponding characteristics value if it's changed.
Given a fan which can be switched on / off with a remote control, which has a JSON API endpoint at that returns its current status { "on": true }
or { "on": false }
, we can spawn a thread that keeps polling the fans current status and if it's changed update our fan service "on" characteristic.
require 'json'
require 'open-uri'
require 'ruby_home'
fan = RubyHome::ServiceFactory.create(:fan) do
def fetch_fan_status
json = JSON.load(open(""))
loop do
sleep 10 # seconds
current_fan_status = fetch_fan_status
unless fan.on == current_fan_status
fan.on = current_fan_status
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at