IME is Input Method Editor, that is text conversion software for Far East Asian Windows users. IME allows the Far East Asian users to input Far East Asian text.
The body of an IME is a DLL file that is registered as an IME in the operating system.
An IME can provide the functions whose names begin with "Ime"
, and NotifyIME
Usually, the IME software has to provide its IME installer to register itself into the system.
For more details, see IME Hackerz (REF011
and REF012
IMM is Input Method Manager for Windows, that provides the interface between the user and an IME software.
IMM32 is 32-bit IMM for Windows. That is a DLL file that is located in C:\Windows\system32
as the name of "imm32.dll".
IMM32 provides API functions whose names begin with "Imm"
. For more details, see IME Hackerz.
First, please include <imm.h>
and link to imm32.dll
as follows:
#include <windows.h>
#include <imm.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "imm32.lib")
And then use the following basic form:
HIMC hImc = ImmGetContext(hWnd);
...(Use IMM functions against hImc)...
ImmReleaseContext(hWnd, hImc);
The IMM function has a name that begins with Imm
, those are listed at https://katahiromz.web.fc2.com/colony3rd/imehackerz/en/functions.html .
The key code system differs depending on the keyboard or the keyboard language. The position of the physical key may change. Also, the key code mapping may change.
Usually, Japanese people uses Japanese keyboards. Chinese people uses Chinese or English keyboards. Korean people uses Korean keyboards. Japanese user doesn't want to use English keyboard to input Japanese text.
That is Asian people and/or languages, that is mainly living in the continent of Far East. They use Chinese characters. Many Chinese are not Japanese nor Korean.
See also REF020
That is Asian people and/or languages, that is mainly living in the islands of Far East. They use Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji and English characters. Many Japanese are not Chinese nor Korean.
See also REF021
That is Asian people and/or language, that is mainly living in the peninsula of Far East. They use Hangul characters (like 김정은) and English characters. Many Korean are not Chinese nor Japanese.
See also REF022
A Hankaku (半角) character is a single-byte character in Shift_JIS (except UTF-8). A non-Hankaku character is a Zenkaku (全角) character (in Traditional Japanese). Traditionally, a non-single-byte character (in Shift_JIS encoding) has double width of a Hankaku character. A Japanese fixed-width font should follow this traditional rule.
- Hiragana (ひらがな) is a Japanese phonetic character collection (like あいうえお etc.).
- Katakana (カタカナ) is a Japanese phonetic character collection (like アイウエオ etc.).
Japanese text was born as a domestic international language through exchanges with China and neighboring countries.
- Japanese didn't have any characters in the initial time. Japanese was sounds only.
- The character of Katakana is derived from part(s) of Chinese Kanji, to write pronunciation of foreign word.
- The character of Hiragana is derived from a deformation of Chinese Kanji, to write Japanese word.
- Many Kanji characters also continued to be used frequently.
Kana (かな/カナ) is Hiragana and/or Katakana.
The Kanji (漢字) characters in Japanese originate on the Chinese characters (like 亜阿唖).
The Kanji radical (部首) is a systematic component of the Chinese character (or a Kanji character).
Romaji conversion (ローマ字変換) is a translation from English alphabet text into Kana character text.
Kana-Kanji conversion (かな漢字変換) is a conversion from Kana text into Kanji or something text. A normal Japanese keyboard cannot type the Kanji characters directly.
The current Japanese keyboard standard is 109-keyboard.
It can type English alphabet and Hiragana characters, and some Japanese symbols and punctuations.
Additionally it has the VK_KANJI
virtual keys.
(半角/全角) key is Hankaku/Zenkaku key to toggle Hankaku input mode and Zenkaku input mode.VK_KANA
(かな) key is Kana key to begin the Kana (Hiragana and Katakana) input or toggle the Hiragana mode and the Katakana mode. These two modes are exclusive.VK_CONVERT
(変換) is Convert key to convert the text.VK_NONCONVERT
(無変換) is Don't-Convert key to revert conversion.
Some punctuation key mapping differs from English key mapping.
It can type English alphabet and the Chinese radical symbols. Chinese keyboard is usually compatible to English keyboard. Optionally, the Chinese radical symbols are printed on key tops.
It can type English alphabet and the Hangul radical symbols.
Additionally, it has VK_HANGUL
virtual keys.
is the Hangul input mode key (same asVK_KANA
is the Junja mode key.VK_HANJA
is the Hanja mode key.
A normal Japanese keyboard cannot type the Kanji characters directly. The Japanese user inputs the Hiragana text (or Romaji-converted text) into IME and converts into Kanji or something text by the IME.
There is Romaji input mode and Kana input mode. These modes are exclusive. You can toggle these modes by Alt+VK_KANA
In Romaji input mode, typing Alphabet key makes translation from English Alphabet to Kana.
In Kana input mode, typing actual Hiragana key makes Hiragana character input.
To begin Japanese text, press Alt+VK_KANJI
(or simply VK_KANJI
in new Windows).
It enables Zenkaku mode and "あ" will be displayed on Taskbar or IME bar.
Pressing Alt+VK_KANJI
again, it disables Zenkaku mode and "A" will be displayed on Taskbar or IME bar (Hankaku mode).
In Zenkaku mode, the Zenkaku characters that the user typed is displayed with underlined text (indeterminated composition text).
Then Space
key makes Kana-Kanji conversion of that text.
Then the conversion candidates will be displayed with highlighted text.
Pressing Space
key again makes next Kana-Kanji conversion (it might show the list of the candidates).
Pressing Enter
key commits the conversion text and that the selected candidate text will be actually entered the text box.
key in Zenkaku mode makes cancellation of conversion.
The Chinese user enters the Kanji radicals into IME. The IME in Kanji mode automatically converts them into Kanji characters.
See REF013
is the default window procedure.
There are two versions of it, as DefWindowProcA
(ANSI version) and DefWindowProcW
(Unicode version).
If the application window doesn't process the window message, then the window message will be processed by DefWindowProc
control is a text box, that is a child window whose window class name is "Edit"
The standard IME messages are the Windows messages whose names begin with "WM_IME_"
Cicero is the code name of TSF.
TSF stands for "Text Services Framework". TSF appears on Windows XP and later. It has many other names, such as "Text Framework", "Text Services", "Text Frame Service" etc. TSF is an empowered framework over IMM32. TSF has COM (Component Object Model)-based design.
Old IMM32-based IME runs under "CUAS" emulation layer of TSF.
New IMM32 has ImmDisableTextFrameService
API to disable TSF in the thread. See REF024
CUAS (Cicero Unaware Application Support) is an emulation layer that connects between the old IMM32-based application and a TSF TIP.
See REF023
It copys the IME-related files into the system, writes some settings in the registry, and call the ImmInstallIME
Registry key "Run"
is as follows:
- In cases of Windows 95/98/Me:
- In the other cases:
This registry key contains the list of the registered start-up entries. The key of an entry is the start-up program name. The value of an entry is a start-up command line.
is an old program that is called "international keyboard/language indicator applet".
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, and Windows 2000 had internat.exe
This program can display and choose a keyboard / IME from notification area of task bar.
It creates an invisible window "Indicator"
It is a start-up program.
Some keyboard/IME settings can register internat.exe
to registry key "Run"
It manages keyboard layout list.
is Language Bar front-end and a replacement of internat.exe
This program can also display and choose a keyboard / IME from Language Bar.
hates internat.exe
kills internat.exe
process, "Indicator"
window, and registry key "Run"
entry of internat.exe
is a start-up program.
registers itself as a start-up program to registry key "Run"
See $(REACTOS)/base/applications/ctfmon
A handle of keyboard layout.
The LOWORD of an HKL is a language ID.
#define IS_IME_HKL(hKL) ((((ULONG_PTR)(hKL)) & 0xF0000000) == 0xE0000000)
#define IS_SPECIAL_HKL(hKL) ((((ULONG_PTR)(hKL)) & 0xF0000000) == 0xF0000000)
, then hKL
is a handle for an IME keyboard layout.
, then hKL
is a handle for a special keyboard layout.
See $(REACTOS)/dll/cpl/input/layout_list.c
and registry key "Keyboard Layouts"
for details.
The registry key "Keyboard Layouts"
is located at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts
See $(REACTOS)/dll/cpl/input/layout_list.c
A "keyboard layout list" is the list of HKLs that can obtain from USER32!GetKeyboardLayoutList
manages the keyboard layout list.
CTF stands for "Collaborative Translation Framework".
CTF provides msctf.dll
, msctfime.ime
, CTF IMEs etc.
It is a DLL file that contains the following exported functions:
And it must have a version info in the following conditions (See IMM32!ImmLoadLayout
- The
value must beVFT_DRV
). - The
). - The
block must contain correct codepage, language, andFileDescription
Usually an installed IME file is in %WINDIR%\system32
The filename extension is ".ime"
See $(REACTOS)/sdk/include/reactos/imetable.h
and $(REACTOS)/dll/win32/imm32/utils.c
It is an extension of "IMM IME". It contains the IMM IME functions and the following exported functions:
See $(REACTOS)/sdk/include/reactos/imetable.h
and $(REACTOS)/dll/win32/imm32/ctf.c
Just define the functions and add a .DEF
file to your DLL file project.
TIP stands for "Text Input Processor".
The new-style IME of new design is called as TIP.
A TIP is a DLL file, that is built with many COM objects and interfaces.
The filename extension of a TIP is usually .dll
Strictly saying, a TIP is not an IME file (Not IMM IME nor CTF IME!).
The system IME file msctfime.ime
is the back-end of TIP.
communicates with the current TIP.
You can find the name of msctfime.ime
in registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IMM
of Windows XP/2003.
See $(REACTOS)/dll/ime/msctfime
is the back-end of TIP Bar.
is the back-end of Language Bar.
See $(REACTOS)/dll/win32/msctf
: The Internet Archive: WayBack Machine: https://archive.org/webREF001
: WineHQ (free Windows Emulator): https://www.winehq.orgREF002
: WineHQ Repository: https://github.com/wine-mirror/wineREF003
: ReactOS (free Windows-compatible OS): https://www.reactos.orgREF004
: ReactOS Repository: https://github.com/reactos/reactosREF005
: WineHQ IMM32 source: https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/tree/master/dlls/imm32REF006
: WineHQ USER32 source: https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/tree/master/dlls/user32REF007
: ReactOS IMM32 source: https://github.com/reactos/reactos/tree/master/dll/win32/imm32REF008
: ReactOS USER32 source: https://github.com/reactos/reactos/tree/master/win32ss/userREF009
: Win32 Multilingual IME Application Programming Interface Version 1.41 (ime-api.pdf)REF010
: Win32 Multilingual IME Overview for IME Development Version 1.41 (ime-overview.pdf)REF011
: IME Hackerz (English): https://katahiromz.web.fc2.com/colony3rd/imehackerz/enREF012
: IME Hackerz (Japanese): https://katahiromz.web.fc2.com/colony3rd/imehackerz/jaREF013
: MZ-IME Japanese Input for Windows XP/2003 (mzimeja): https://github.com/katahiromz/mzimejaREF014
: Wikipedia: Hiragana: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HiraganaREF015
: Wikipedia: Kanji: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KanjiREF016
: Wikipedia: Katakana: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KatakanaREF017
: Wikipedia: Kanji: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMEREF018
: Wikipedia: Input method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Input_methodREF019
: Wikipedia: Keyboard layout: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layoutREF020
: Wikipedia: Chinese language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_languageREF021
: Wikipedia: Japanese language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_languageREF022
: Wikipedia: Korean language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_languageREF023
: Wikipedia: Component Object Model: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Component_Object_ModelREF024
: Text Services Framework: https://docs.microsoft.com/ja-jp/windows/desktop/TSF/text-services-frameworkREF025
: WinHier: Win32 spying utility: https://github.com/katahiromz/WinHierREF026
: RisohEditor: Another free Win32 resource editor: https://github.com/katahiromz/RisohEditorREF027
: MsgCrack: Code snippet for event handler: https://github.com/katahiromz/MsgCrackREF028
: vkeycheck: Virtual Key checker: https://github.com/katahiromz/vkeycheckREF029
: IME as a possible keylogger: https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2005/11/ime-possible-keylogger/REF030
: dwendt/UniversalInject: https://github.com/dwendt/UniversalInjectREF031
: https://reactos.org/wiki/User:Alvinhochun/Localization/IMEREF032
: SampleIME: https://github.com/microsoft/Windows-classic-samples/tree/main/Samples/IME/cpp/SampleIME