Our hypothetical client WTWY has a gala in early summer and wants to fill their event space with individuals passionate about increasing the participation of women in technology, as well as concurrently build awareness and outreach. They plan to place street teams at NYC MTA subway entrances to collect email addresses. Those who # are sent free tickets to the WTWY gala. Our goal is to recommend NYC MTA subway stations for WTWY to locate their street teams.
We obtained, cleaned, and analyzed NYC MTA turnstile data to determine the busiest stations, days, and times. Then, further refined this list of stations by proximity to large technology companies as well as proximity to universities with high enrollment.
We also obtained IRS income data by zip code to further filter stations, but this last step did not provide any further refinement.
Our final recommendation is 5 different subway stations each with specific weekdays and time ranges that WTWY could locate their street teams to optimize the effectiveness of their work.