🔭 I’m currently working on Using CV and ABM to Explore the Human Elephant Conflict
🌱 I’m currently learning AI,ML,DL
💬 Ask me about Flutter, Angular, Spring Boot
⚡ Fun fact I love to sleep ✨
🔭 I’m currently working on Using CV and ABM to Explore the Human Elephant Conflict
🌱 I’m currently learning AI,ML,DL
💬 Ask me about Flutter, Angular, Spring Boot
⚡ Fun fact I love to sleep ✨
Forked from cepdnaclk/e16-4yp-Using-Computer-Vision-and-Agent-Based-Modelling-to-Explore-the-Human-Elephant-Conflict
This project proposes the use of satellite images and Geographic Information System (GIS) data to identify elephant habitats and elephant corridors and their deterioration. Then to apply an Agent B…
Jupyter Notebook
Detect whether the people are correctly wearing the masks using OpenCV, Keras and scikit-learn
Useful docker compose files for day-to-day use
Usage of Laplacian, Robert Cross gradient operator and Sobel operator for image sharpening (C0543-Lab04)
Jupyter Notebook 1
Customizable E-Commerce platform for businesses
The main idea of this project is to develop a system of robots and a smart ordering system for a restaurant. Current system in restaurants, the traditional menu card ordering and waiters can be rep…