A simple way to invoke on-demand behaviors into your website pages.
This utility aims to facilitate the use of WebComponents and JavaScript libraries loaded on the page, ensuring its loading only during the actual need to use.
- Triggers a component's calling, with inclusion of JS-libs on demand.
- Manages the CSS dependencies of components and its import order.
- Smart algorithm to import libs only once.
- Works in the "convention over configuration" mode when loading components.
will.call("componentName")(param1, param2); // invokes a component
will.use("/jquery.js", "/jquery-ui.js")(); // loads required assets if not present yet.
See the demo page.
will.configure(function (config) {
config.queryString = "_=useThisForCaching";
"local", // default domain
"/javascripts/will/", // default component domain (repository)
"js"); // load as script (js, default)
config.defaultPackage = "root"; // default package
The components are automatically loaded and stored on WillJS's registry.
// {host}/javascripts/will/doSomething.js
"doSomething" /* Component Name */
, [ /* Dependencies, CSSs and JSs */
, "/javascripts/lib1.js"
, "/javascripts/lib2.js"
, function (will) { /* Factory */
// do something before return the component
return function (param1, param2) {
var will = this;
// do something the user requests to
The components are fetched by your entire path location. Example:
// => /javascripts/will/components/doSomething.js
// => same as above
// => /javascripts/will/components/mypack/doSomething.js
// => same as above
will.configure(function (config) {
config.addDomain("ext", will.dir("../ext/components/{name}/{version}"), "js");
// => /javascripts/ext/components/thirdPartyComponent/latest/thirdPartyComponent.js
will.call("ext:thirdPartyComponent", "latest")();
// => same as above
will.call("ext:thirdPartyComponent", "1.5.3")();
// => /javascripts/ext/components/thirdPartyComponent/1.5.3/thirdPartyComponent.js
will.as("myWill").configure(function (config) {
config.defaultPackage = "root"; // default package
// Public API
myWill.call("componentName")(param1, param2); // invokes a component
myWill.use("/jquery.js", "/jquery-ui.js")(); // loads required assets if not present yet.