lepy is a python extension package to utilize the certificate management application Lego written in Golang in python.
To install this package, all you need to do is run
pip install .
in your preferred Python venv.
You can then import the lego command and run any function that you can run from the CLI:
from lepy import run_lego_command
test_env = {"NAMECHEAP_API_USER": "user", "NAMECHEAP_API_KEY": "key"}
run_lego_command("something@gmail.com", "", "/path/to/csr.pem", "namecheap", test_env)
Golang supports building a shared c library from its CLI build tool. We import and use the LEGO application from GoLang, and provide a stub with C bindings so that the shared C binary we produce exposes a C API for other programs to import and utilize. Lepy then uses the ctypes standard library in python to load this binary, and make calls to its methods.
The output binary, lego.so
, is installed alongside lepy, and lepy exposes a python function called run_lego_command that will convert the arguments into a JSON message, and send it to LEGO.
On pip install
, setuptools attempts to build this binary by running the command
go build -o lego.so -buildmode=c-shared lego-stub.go
If we don't have a .whl that supports your environment, you will need to have Go installed and configured for Python to be able to build this binary.