This directory contains all current KBase Javascript clients, as of April 14, 2016.
These are not likely to change very often, and the generation process to get the whole batch is not straightforward in all cases, so they've been included here.
The clients are updated in src/kbase-clients by replacing the appropriate client file with the updated one from the home project. Before being used they must be prepared and placed into the dist directory under kb/service.
Here's the list of the included service client names. Except for AweClient and ShockClient, which were constructed by hand, they all follow the same idiom for instantiation:
var client = new ClientName(endpointUrl, authToken);
var workspaceClient = new Workspace("", authToken);
- AbstractHandle
- AweClient
- Catalog
- CDMI_EntityAPI
- CoExpression
- CompressionBasedDistance
- ERDB_Service
- ExpressionServices
- fbaModelServices
- GenomeAnnotation
- GenomeComparison
- HandleMngr
- IDServerAPI
- KBaseDataImport
- KBaseExpression
- KBaseGeneFamilies
- KBaseNetworks
- KBaseProteinStructure
- KBaseTrees
- KmerAnnotationByFigfam
- NarrativeJobService
- NarrativeMethodStore
- ProbabilisticAnnotation
- ShockClient
- Transform
- UserAndJobState
- UserProfile
- Workspace
This uses npm and grunt. If you don't have either of those installed, and you work with Javascript, you're missing out!
npm = Node Package Manager: Grunt = the Javascript Task Runner:
Installing npm is different for different operating systems. It's part of apt if you're on Ubuntu (apt-get install npm), and there are various ways to grab it for other OSes.
With npm installed, you can use that to install Grunt easily. The best way to make it global to your system is use this line:
npm install -g grunt-cli
This will put grunt on your system path and allow it to run from any directory.
Grunt works on a plugin basis. These are included in the package.json file in this directory. Now, all you need to do to get the clients prepared is:
npm install
grunt build
And you're ready to go.
This document needs revision and expansion.