# for a free developer account at https://developer.imoji.io to get your API keys
Add the ImojiSDK entry to your Podfile
pod 'ImojiSDK'
Run pods to grab the ImojiSDK framework
pod install
Initiate the client id and api token for ImojiSDK. You can add this to the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// setup imoji sdk
[[ImojiSDK sharedInstance] setClientId:[[NSUUID alloc] initWithUUIDString:@"client-id"]
return YES;
Apps using the ImojiSDK can synchronize with an Imoji account to pull personalized content created by that user (requires Imoji builds version 2.1.1 and greater). In order to do so you must first register a URL type for your application in the following format
EX: imoji075286df-163d-4979-be8c-c4f9337aa2c6
See https://coderwall.com/p/mtjaeq/ios-custom-url-scheme for a simple example of how to set this up for your application.
After setting up the URL type, override the application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: method in your AppDelegate class and add checks for handling Imoji SDK entries:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
openURL:(NSURL *)url
sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
annotation:(id)annotation {
IMImojiSession *imojiSession = self.imojiSession;
if ([imojiSession isImojiAppRequest:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication]) {
return [imojiSession handleImojiAppRequest:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication];
return NO;
Ensure you have the ImojiSyncSDK.h header imported as well to import the required files.
#import <ImojiSDK/ImojiSyncSDK.h>
If authentication succeeded for the user in the Imoji iOS application, the sessionState property in IMImojiSession will now be set to IMImojiSessionStateConnectedSynchronized.
The IMImojiSessionDelegate protocol will also call imojiSession:stateChanged:fromState: when this state changes, therefore you can perform the approach UI actions to display a synchronized state with a delegate.
Once you're app has established a synchronized state, you can then call
[self.session getImojisForAuthenticatedUserWithResultSetResponseCallback:imojiResponseCallback:]
The resultSetResponseCallback and imojiResponseCallback work exactly like they do with searching and pulling featured imojis.
ImojiSDK uses the App Links Protocol support provided by the Bolts library for authenticating sessions. Not all applications require user account synchronization however. To use the ImojiSDK without pulling the sync files, simply add the Core pod subspec:
pod 'ImojiSDK/Core'