Installs Gerrit
This role requires Ansible 1.4 or higher.
Name | Default | Description |
gerrit_version | 2.11.5 | Gerrit version to install |
gerrit_sha256sum | 2b252f2e2c65c4fe20eaac8f060f8fce89579d3fcdfb07b369e669578b77eeda | SHA 256 sum of Gerrit version |
gerrit_download_server | '' | Server to download the Gerrit war file from |
gerrit_download_maven | false | Set to true if the download server is a Maven repository |
gerrit_install_plugins | [] | List of core plugins to install during initialization |
gerrit_auth_type | 'OPENID' | Type of user authentication |
gerrit_auth_register_email_private_key | Not set. Gerrit will generate a random key during site init. | Private key to use for token verification when adding a new email address |
gerrit_canonical_web_url | 'http://localhost:8080/' | The default URL for Gerrit |
gerrit_container_java_home | /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre | Java home location |
gerrit_database_type | 'h2' | Type of database server |
gerrit_database_db | 'db/ReviewDB' | Database path (h2) or name (PostgreSQL, MySQL) |
gerrit_database_username | '' | Username to connect to the database server as |
gerrit_database_password | '' | Password to authenticate to the database server with |
gerrit_database_hostname | 'localhost' | Hostname of the database server |
gerrit_httpd_listen_url | 'http://*:8080/' | The URL the internal HTTP daemon should listen on |
gerrit_sendemail_smtp_server | 'localhost' | Hostname (or IP address) of a SMTP server that will relay messages |
gerrit_sshd_listen_address | '*:29418' | The local addresses the internal SSHD daemon should listen on |
gerrit_ldap_server | 'ldap://' | URL of the LDAP server to query for user information and group membership |
gerrit_ldap_username | Not set | Username to authenticate to the LDAP server |
gerrit_ldap_password | Not set | Password to authenticate to the LDAP server |
gerrit_ldap_account_base | ou=people,dc=example,dc=com | Root of the tree containing all user accounts |
gerrit_ldap_account_scope | subtree | Scope of the search performed for accounts (one, sub or subtree, base or object) |
gerrit_ldap_account_pattern | (uid=${username}) | Query pattern to use when searching for a user account |
gerrit_ldap_account_full_name | displayName | Name of an attribute on the user account object which contains the initial value for the user's full name field in Gerrit |
gerrit_ldap_account_email_address | Name of an attribute on the user account object which contains the user's Internet email address | |
gerrit_ldap_account_ssh_username | Not set | Name of an attribute on the user account object which contains the initial value for the user's ssh username in Gerrit |
gerrit_ldap_group_base | ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com | Root of the tree containing all group objects |
gerrit_ldap_group_scope | subtree | Scope of the search performed for group objects (one, sub or subtree, base or object) |
gerrit_ldap_group_pattern | (cn=${groupname}) | Query pattern used when searching for an LDAP group to connect to a Gerrit group |
gerrit_ldap_group_member_pattern | ( | (memberUid=${username})(gidNumber=${gidNumber})) |
gerrit_ldap_group_name | cn | Name of the attribute on the group object which contains the value to use as the group name in Gerrit |
gerrit_plugins_allow_remote_admin | false | Allow remote admin of plugins |
- kbrebanov.git
- kbrebanov.postgresql (when configured to use PostgreSQL)
Install Gerrit
- hosts: all
- { role: kbrebanov.gerrit }
Install Gerrit specifying version
- hosts: all
- { role: kbrebanov.gerrit, gerrit_version: 2.9.3, gerrit_sha256sum: fad71b288ecaf3241ea11fecebb2d5be4cfbdfade3e2037d23b94cce3dd3bc48 }
Install Gerrit downloading .war file from Maven Central
- hosts: all
- { role: kbrebanov.gerrit, gerrit_version: 2.9.3, gerrit_sha256sum: fad71b288ecaf3241ea11fecebb2d5be4cfbdfade3e2037d23b94cce3dd3bc48,
gerrit_download_maven: true, gerrit_download_server: }
Kevin Brebanov