configures different backups (sources and destinations) using local file systems or S3_AWS, looking to add other backends as required.
- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with rclone
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Manage multiple backups using rclone, currently only supporting local file system and S3_AWS backends, more may be added. Also at the moment only for Debian/Ubuntu
It ensures unzip is present It adds services triggered by systemd timers It ensures mailutils is available to send notifications It installs an alert-slack@.service tha tis notified on failure, start and completion of backups
logrotate is used systemd is used
class { 'rclone':
# like to use a specific version
ensure => '1.63.1'
project => {
# the basic rclone command like 'sync' or 'copy'
command => 'sync',
# opts is to add rclone options like -L, does not have to be defined
opts => '',
# if you do not need a conf file (like in this example) this can be left undefined,
# only local files (undef) and 'S3_AWS' are currently supported
# conf => undef,
# a source must be specified
src => '/srv/project/imptdir1/',
# as must a destination
dst => '/backups/project/imptdir1/',
# who is the user that should own this job (read/write perms reqd on src and dst)
user => 'user',
# and the users group
group => 'group',
# when should the systemd run this, can also use the systemd timer style *-*-15 01:00:00 (0100 on the 15th of each month)
run_on => 'Fri',
# who should be sent an email NB there is an rclone::service::admin_email too
email => '',
# enable or disable this backup
active => true,
# array of tasks to run before rclone backup runs (post_rclone will add tasks after the backup)
pre_rclone => ["%s -c 'echo date=$(/bin/date +%%Y-%%m-%%d) > /tmp/systemd_local_dirs_example_rclone.env'"],
otherproject => {
command => 'sync',
src => '/srv/otherproject/imptdir/',
dst => 'otherproject:some-bucket/path/imptdir/',
user => 'otheruser',
group => 'othergroup',
run_on => '*-*-15 01:00:00',
email => '',
# details required to generate a config for S3_AWS connection for this backup
# stored in a hash called 'conf'
conf => {
rclone_conf => 'S3_AWS'
access_key => 'RECOMMEND USE EYAML or VAULT',
secret_key => 'RECOMMEND USE EYAML or VAULT',
aws_region => 'some-region',
aws_location => 'some-location',
# enable or disable this backup
active => true,
There probably are some, early days atm
Early days atm!!
Includes work from