This website helps to storage contacts data, share it with others and download contact lists to JSON or PDF file. It's fully connected with database, you can clone this repo and run it on your internal server. Deploy in future. The project was created for educational purposes and to demonstrate my coding skills to my future recruiters.
I highly encourage you to contributions!
• First make sure u have installed latest versions of ReactJS, NodeJS, Python, Django.
• Clone this repository or download latest release.
• Install modules from requirements.txt in django directory.
pip install -r requirements.txt
• Install modules using npm install in react directory.
npm install
• Change SECRET_KEY in contactbookapi settings or read more about python-decouple.
• django directory:
python migrate
• django directory:
python runserver
• react directory:
npm start
• localhost:8000/accounts/# & /register - Django login and registration
• localhost:3000/home - ContactBook main page
• localhost:8000 - Django REST API
• localhost:8000/admin - Django admin panel
Full functionality of restrict routes in App.js with authentication from django API endpoint!
Implemented user login/registration from my own template project: RegistrationDjango!
User specific data and contact groups!
Fetch data with REST API!
Render multiple tables with contact group specific data
Edit all contacts in table with editable header above table
Search contacts by selected value
Download data to JSON or PDF file
Specific tables headers
Scrollable tables with max height
Refactored code for better maintainability
Loading screen
Share data with other users
Reduce fetches, localStorage solutions etc...
Dragging, resizing, deleting columns and create custom ones
Static position of tables
Display contacts by selected order
Settings page
Better UI design + theme selection
Combine logging/registration with home page
Resizing website (now its for 1920x1080) + mobile version