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The challenge is to build an API for a social network web application where users can share their thoughts, react to friends’ thoughts, and create a friend list. Using Express.js for routing, a MongoDB database, and the Mongoose ODM. In addition to using the Express.js

Application Demo

Screen Shot

The following image shows the application's manifest.json file: Screen Shot

The following image shows the application's registered service worker: Screen Shot

The following image shows the application's IndexedDB storage: Screen Shot

This walkthrough video shows JATE:

Table of Contents

User Story

  • AS A developer
  • I WANT to create notes or code snippets with or without an internet connection
  • SO THAT I can reliably retrieve them for later use

Acceptance Criteria

  • GIVEN a text editor web application
  • WHEN I open my application in my editor
  • THEN I should see a client-server folder structure
  • WHEN I run npm start from the root directory
  • THEN I find that my application should start up the back end and serve the client
  • WHEN I run the text editor application from my terminal
  • THEN I find that my JavaScript files have been bundled using webpack
  • WHEN I run my webpack plugins
  • THEN I find that I have a generated HTML file, service worker, and a manifest file
  • WHEN I use next-gen JavaScript in my application
  • THEN I find that the text editor still functions in the browser without errors
  • WHEN I open the text editor
  • THEN I find that IndexedDB has immediately created a database storage
  • WHEN I enter content and subsequently click off of the DOM window
  • THEN I find that the content in the text editor has been saved with IndexedDB
  • WHEN I reopen the text editor after closing it
  • THEN I find that the content in the text editor has been retrieved from our IndexedDB database
  • WHEN I click on the Install button
  • THEN I download my web application as an icon on my desktop
  • WHEN I load my web application
  • THEN I should have a registered service worker using Workbox
  • WHEN I register a service worker
  • THEN I should have my static assets precached upon loading along with subsequent pages and static assets
  • WHEN I deploy to Heroku
  • THEN I should have proper build scripts for a webpack application


  • Open the command line terminal and go to the proper directory
  • Clone the git repo from :octocat: kea6t
  • Then type npm init to install dependencies
  • Then npm i express
  • Then npm install and npm run build on client directory
  • Then enter: "npm run dev" on root directory to launch the app 🚀
  • Then open localhost:8080 to see app


  • See the live version of the app here JATE


:octocat: kea6t

This was generated with ❤️ made by Kenny 🔥🌌🌳🦝🚀


If you have any questions ❔, please send me an email at: 📧 Email me with any questions:


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