I created a game/tool for rhythm practice.
The idea was inspired by the short videos that were popular at one time, in which players would swap cards with notes on them one after another and play along with them in the correct rhythm.
You can download executable files from (https://kedzkiest.itch.io/rhythm-practice)
- Click sound volume: 0% ~ 100%
- BPM (Beats Per Minute): 30 ~ 240
- Notes included: quarter, 8th, triplet, 8th_then_double16th, double16th_then_8th
- Notes background highlight color: yellow, red, blue, sky, green, pink
- Click sound on start: click_Hi, click_Lo, kick, snare, open hi-hat, close hi-hat
- General Click sound (Hi): same as above
- General Click sound (Lo): same as above
- Frequency of notes change: 1 ~ 999
- Beat: 3 or 4
- Rhythm guide: ON or OFF
- Rhythm guide volume: 0% ~ 100%
Click_Hi from MusMus "btn01.mp3" https://musmus.main.jp/se.html
Click_Lo ^ "btn03.mp3"
CloseHiHat from Cubase HS SE Library -> Drum&Perc -> Drumset GM -> Rock Kit
OpenHiHat ^
Kick from ^
Snare from ^
Guide guitar from Cubase HS SE Library -> Guitar/Plucked -> E.Guitar -> Velo Jazz Guitar
Play_Button from PhotoPea Custom Shapes
Setting_Button ^
Volume_Icon ^
quarter_note from https://azukichi.net/melody.html
8th_note ^
triplet_note ^
8th_then_double16th_note (modified from 16thtriplet_note) ^
double16th_then_8th_note (modified from 16thtriplet_note) ^