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Keenan Woodall edited this page Oct 7, 2019 · 4 revisions



A Deformable is used to manage deformation on a MeshFilter or SkinnedMeshRenderer. It holds a list of deformers which are applied to its mesh.


Name Description Type
UpdateMode The method in which the deformable will be updated. UpdateMode
NormalsRecalculation The method in which normals are recalculated. NormalsRecalculation
BoundsRecalculation The method in which bounds are recalculated BoundsRecalculation
ColliderRecalculation The method in which the assigned collider is updated. ColliderRecalculation
MeshCollider The collider to sync with the deformable's mesh if ColliderRecalculation is set to Auto. MeshCollider
DeformerElements The list of deformers that may be applied to the mesh. List<DeformerElement>
CustomBounds The bounds to use if BoundsRecalculation is set to Custom. Bounds
Manager The manager that will be scheduling the deformable. DeformableManager
ModifiedDataFlags The mesh data that was modified. DataFlags

Public Methods

Name Description
InitializeData Initializes mesh data.
PreSchedule Calls PreProcess on any of its deformers that are going to process mesh data.
Schedule Schedules a chain of work to deform the native mesh data.
ResetMesh Copies the original vertices, normals, tangents, UVs, colors and bounds onto the deformed mesh.
ApplyData Sends the native mesh data to the mesh, updates the mesh collider if required, and then resets the native mesh data.
ResetDynamicData Copies the original native mesh data over the dynamic native mesh data.
RecalculateMeshCollider Updates the mesh collider, if it exists.
CanUpdate Returns true if the deformable can update.
AddDeformer Creates and adds a new deformer element.
RemoveDeformer Finds and removes any deformer elements with a matching deformer.
GetMesh Returns the dynamic mesh.
GetRenderer Returns the target renderer.
HasTarget Returns true if the deformable has a target to deform.
ChangeMesh Initializes mesh data to deform the provided mesh.
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