LiteFlowNet inference realization with TensorFlow 2.
Inspired by pytorch reimplemetation:
This is my reimplementation of LiteFlowNet [1] using Tensorflow 2.0 with build-in correlation layer. There are some messy code with using of tf2 package and it compatibility mode with tf 1.x. Also, please cite the paper accordingly and make sure to adhere to the licensing terms of the authors. Should you be making use of this particular implementation, please acknowledge it appropriately [3].
Original Caffe version:
The correlation layer is using tensorflow_addons package which required tf2+ version. These repo tested with packages installed via pip:
pip install --user tensorflow==2.0.0
pip install --user tensorflow_addons==0.6.0
Weights could be converted from PyTorch version [2] via script and directly from Caffe version [1].
I converted only default model. You can convert it as youself. Or you can download already converted model.
# download model
# convert default model
python --input_model=./network-default.pytorch --output_model=./model
# download and unzip model
tar -xvzf liteflownet.tar.gz
# convert default model
python --input_model=./liteflownet.caffemodel --output_model=./model
You can download already converted model from the link:
To run it on your own pair of images, use the following command.
python --img1=./images/first.png --img2=./images/second.png --flow=./out.flow --display_flow=True
Results differ a little. I think it depends on a bit different feature warping then in original work.
Original materials is provided for research purposes only. Please see to more information.
[1] @inproceedings{Hui_CVPR_2018,
author = {Tak-Wai Hui and Xiaoou Tang and Chen Change Loy},
title = {{LiteFlowNet}: A Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network for Optical Flow Estimation},
booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
year = {2018}
[2] @misc{pytorch-liteflownet,
author = {Simon Niklaus},
title = {A Reimplementation of {LiteFlowNet} Using {PyTorch}},
year = {2019},
howpublished = {\url{}}
[2] @misc{liteflownet-tf2,
author = {Vladimir Mikhelev},
title = {{LiteFlowNet} inference realization with {Tensorflow 2}},
year = {2020},
howpublished = {\url{}}