AI sends pull requests for features you request in natural language
- Create frontend website for marketing
- Semantic search for what files to update and recursive update
- Slackbot that takes requests from users and responds with PR links
- Github api to retrieve PR comments and what file, line num it correspond to
python -h
usage: [-h] -f FILE -i INSTRUCTION [-r REPO] [-d] [-pr]
Edit a section of code, PR with changes.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE location of a file
instruction on how to edit the file
-r REPO, --repo REPO location to git repo
-d, --diff show diff
-pr, --pull-request add change, commit, push and raise a PR
OPENAI_KEY="<key>" GH_TOKEN="<token>" python -f examples/ -i "Rewrite the given code and fix any bugs in the program." -d --pr
Here is a real PR opened by this above command: #8
OPENAI_KEY="<key>" GH_TOKEN="<token>" python
-f /Users/keerthanapg/robotics_transformer/tokenizers/ -i "Rewrite the given code by making the __call__ function always use token learner and remove use_token_learner and self._use_token_learner variable" -r "/Users/keerthanapg/robotics_transformer" -d -pr
Here is a more complex PR opened on an open source repo: