A login and # form using HTML, PHP, and MySQL. This form allows users to register and login. All information is stored in a MySQL database. After successful login the user is redirected to their dashboard. I enjoy making software so much! Please, if you see any issues make them known!
- home.php -- The main page showed after login. Edit your own homepage.
- index.php -- The main page showed before login.
- login.php -- Login Page.
- #.php -- # Page.
- edit.php -- Edit your profile.
- logout.php -- Logout to the dashboard page.
- Stores passwords in DB as hashes
- Easy logout via logout.php
- Passwords are hashed and stored (You can't view the original password of the user).
- Username and email validation is done.
- Download all the source files to your computer.
- Create a DataBase as login in phpMyAdmin.
- Create users table in phpMyAdmin.
- Change the username and password in connection.php file.
- Create four columns id, name, email, password in the users table.
- Or import the login_system.sql file in the phpMyAdmin.
- Save the files, upload them to your webserver and give it a try.
This software is under an MIT License. Which allows full use to edit, distribute, or sell this code. See the "LICENSE" file for more information!