This is a simple Plugin for Gradle which wraps an existing Ant JSLint task and makes available it's static analysis capabilities for your Gradle builds.
More information about JSLint can be found at:
More about the jslint4java ant task can be found at:
The Gradle jslint Task can be configured with the following parameters(types and defaults are shown):
List<String> inputDirs = ['.']
String includes = '**/*.js'
String excludes = ''
String formatterType = 'plain'
String destFilename = 'jslint'
boolean haltOnFailure = true
String options = ''
The formatterTypes available are: plain, xml, html
Here's an example which uses most of the options:
jslint {
inputDirs = ['webapp/js']
haltOnFailure = false
excludes = '**/metadata/'
options = 'rhino'
formatterType = 'html'
You can use a Github repository to provide version 0.2 of this plugin for your build. Here's a sample configuration that works with Gradle 1.2
apply plugin: 'java'
group = 'temp'
buildscript {
url = ''
dependencies {
classpath 'org.kar:gradle-jslint-plugin:0.2'
mavenCentral() //needed by the plugin to retrieve the jslint jar
apply plugin: 'jslint'
This plugin is made available under the Apache 2.0 license, I hope you find value and have fun with it!