The work for this is currenly on hold until further notice due to lack of capable resources.
In other words, magento 2 changes too much too fast and I don't have much time available to keep up with it.
But I promise that at one point I will start it again.
Feel free to fill the issues section with what you find, so I will have a starting point when I pick this up again.
The Umc_Base
module is the main module of the Ultimate Module Creator for Magento 2.
What is Ultimate Module Creator For Magento 2? It's the Magento 2 module for this.
This main module allows you to create the backend CRUD for your own custom entity flat or tree.
Others modules for different functionalities (frontend, API, Catalog relation, ...) will follow.
After installing magento 2, run these commands:
composer config repositories.ultimatemodulecreator-umc-base git
sudo composer require ultimatemodulecreator/umc-base:dev-master
php bin/magento setup:upgrade