UPDATE: You can now use the DockRails Gem to build your Docker Rails Enironment with a simple CLI
This is a boilerplate Docker environment for you Rails App letting you code on your Mac while running in Docker, it includes by default:
- DB container (PGSQL or MYSQL uncomment in docker-compose.yml)
- Redis container
- Web container (your rails app)
- Job Container (Sidekiq instance)
Web/Job containers sync code base from your Rails App in realtime, letting you code on you Mac and run in the same time everything from the container
Bundler Gems, DB and Redis data are persisted accross restart and you can use ByeBug or Pry out of the box with a simple command!
First install:
- Docker Toolbox
gem install docker-sync
brew install unison
git clone git@github.com:gmontard/rails-docker-dev-box.git
cd rails-dev-box && mkdir data/sql
Clone you Rails app inside the "my-rails-app" folder (If you rename it make sure to change the name in the docker-sync file)
Move the
folder into your Rails App root folder -
Create a
folder (info: adding a .gitkeep inside will make the PG container fail) -
Check the docker-compose.yml ENV variables for Redis/SQL and setup your database.yml in your Rails App file.
Run everything
docker-sync-stack start
Start all containers:
docker-sync-stack start
Stop all containers:
docker-sync-stack clear
Check all containers are stopped
docker ps
Run command inside a container
docker-compose run CONTAINER COMMAND
(ex: docker-compose run web rake db:migrate)
Rebuild a container in case the DockerFile change:
docker-compose build CONTAINER
Need to debug a container?
docker-compose run CONTAINER /bin/bash
Need to access ByeBug or Pry interactve shell?
docker attach $(docker-compose ps -q web)
here or it will exit the container but useCTRL+Q+P
vi ~/.zshrc
# Add those lines
alias dss="docker-sync-stack"
alias dbe="docker-compose run web bundle exec"
alias dbi="docker-compose run web bundle install"
function ddbug(){
docker attach $(docker-compose ps -q $1)
Reload ZSH
source ~/.zshrc
And now enjoy the simple commands like:
dss start
dbe rails c
dbe rails restart
ddbug web
And obviously create your own!
- Your DB is accessible from your host machine with the IP and using the user/password combination found in docker-compose.yml file.
Thanks to Jesal Gadhis, this project was inspired by his tutorial