.NET / C# API for Lyris / EmailLabs
This API subscribes, resubscribes, unsubscribes, adds demographics, and updates demographics.
It returns a success or error response via lyrisResponse
. If there is an error, the error message is stored in lyrisMessage
In lyris.cs, change lyrisSiteID and lyrisPassword as appropriate.
private int lyrisSiteID = 123456; // Lyris Site ID here
private string lyrisPassword = "password"; // Lyris API password here
An example of usage on a page:
<script type="text/C#" runat="server">
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var lyrisService = new LyrisService();
var MLID = 12345; // MLID here
var email = "email@email.com"; // Email you want to submit
Dictionary<int, string> demographics = new Dictionary<int, string>()
// Format is {demographic ID, demographic value}
// The ID is setup in Lyris / EmailLabs. The value is taken from the form
{1, this.firstName.Text},
{2, this.lastName.Text}
// Redirect based on success or failure
if (lyrisService.lyrisResponse == "success")
// pass in the error message as a query string for page to display
Response.Redirect("/error.html?response=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(lyrisService.lyrisMessage));