Remove excess packages (apache2, sendmail, bind9, samba, nscd, etc) and install the basic components needed for a light-weight HTTP(S) web server:
- dropbear (SSH)
- iptables (firewall)
- dash (replaces bash)
- syslogd
- MySQL (v5.1+ W/O Innodb, configured for lowend VPS)
- PHP-FPM (v5.3+ with APC installed and configured)
- exim4 (light mail server)
- nginx (v1.0+ from dotdeb, configured for lowend VPS. Change worker_processes number in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf according to number of your CPUs)
- vim, nano, mc, htop, iftop & iotop (more to come...)
- Wordpress
Includes sample nginx config files for PHP sites. You can create a basic site shell (complete with nginx vhost) like this:
./ site
When running the iptables or dropbear install you must specify a SSH port. Remember, port 22 is the default. It's recomended that you change this from 22 just to save server load from attacks on that port.
wget --no-check-certificate
$ ./ dotdeb
$ ./ system
$ ./ dropbear 22 <b>*(or any other port number)</b>
$ ./ iptables
$ ./ mysql
$ ./ nginx
$ ./ php
$ ./ exim4
$ ./ site
$ ./ wordpress
$ ./ webmin
Supported only on OpenVZ only, vzfree reports correct memory usage
$ ./ vzfree
Run the classic Disk IO (dd) & Classic Network (cachefly) Test
$ ./ test
Neat python script to report memory usage per app
$ ./ ps_mem
Updates Ubuntu /etc/apt/sources.list to default based on whatever version you are running
$ ./ apt
$ ./ info
Either you want to generate ssh-keys (id_rsa) or a custom key for something (rsync etc) Note: argument is optional, if its left out, it will write "id_rsa" key
$ ./ sshkey [optional argument_1]
MySQL root is given a new password which is located in ~root/.my.cnf. After installing the full set, ram usage reaches ~40-45Mb. By default APC configured to use 16Mb for caching. To reduce ram usage, you may disable APC by moving or deleting the following file - /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini I recommend installing Ajenti and/or Webmin to manage your VPS. For security reasons delete, move or password protect "new_domain/public/phpinfo.php" file, which installed automatically on each new site installation.
- LowEndBox admin (LEA)
- Xeoncross,
- ilevkov,
- asimzeeshan
- and many others!