Place 'sharing.html' in [OCTOPRESS_REPO].themes/classic/source/post/
If you don't have hidden files shown on OSX, open up Terminal and type the following 2 lines:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE killall Finder
To hide hidden files again, type:
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE killall Finder
You've basically got 2 options:
- Show the usual 'Read Now | Read Later' button options
readability_basic_buttons: true # Read Now, Read Later
- Show the full set of Readability buttons
readability_all_buttons: false # Read Now, Read Later, Print, Email, Send to Kindle
For support, open up an issue on the Github repo. Thanks! Also, if you'd like to fork this, be my guest.
For even more info on the Readability API, check out their developer docs