The Open Source graphical user interface (GUI) for a SpO2 simulator, named as UAO_SpO2_Sim, it's a project that was born in 2017 in the Research Group in Biomedical Engineering, GBIO, at the Autonomous University of the West (Universidad Autónoma de Occidente), in Cali Colombia.
An easy-quick review of this project could be found in the IEEExplore by the name "Development of a Low-Cost Pulse Oximeter Simulator for Educational Purposes", link:
- DOI: 10.1109/ANDESCON.2018.8564698
- Reference: K. Machado-Gamboa and A. Gonzalez-Vargas, "Development of a Low-Cost Pulse Oximeter Simulator for Educational Purposes," 2018 IEEE ANDESCON, Santiago de Cali, Colombia, 2018, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ANDESCON.2018.8564698
This project contains software and hardware. You will find in this Github just the coding related to the software developed or the GUI. A quick view of the software results will be available in an article that will be soon publish in the IEEExplore by the name "Development of a low-cost pulse oximeter simulator for educational purposes". The results in detail, containing also the hardware, will be available for the public in general in the online repository of Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, Cali, Colombia, by the name "DESARROLLO E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN SIMULADOR DE PULSIOXIMETRÍA PARA USO ACADÉMICO". The link of the repository is:
The quickest way is to install the last version of Anaconda from its official site
This project was developed using Spyder 3.2.4 and Qt Designer 5.2.1 So any higher version should work properly. Secondly, we need to ensure that we have installed the next python libraries:
- pyqtgraph ----> (Not included in Anaconda)
- PyQt5
- multiprocessing
- scipy
- collections
- numpy
- sys
- time
Please make sure all libraries get install in Python 3. Note that all the necessary libraries are included in Anaconda except pyqtgraph. To install pyqtgraph
in Anaconda environment you can try typing: conda install -c anaconda pyqtgraph
; or visit
- "" contains the main code of the GUI
- "mainWindowPPG.ui" contains the GUI developed in the software Qt.
- "" contains the main code but to be run with the Rpi 3 B+ and the ADC PCF8591
- "curvesHB.mat" contains a matrix in which each row is a vector that displays a curve. This is use for some graphical effects.
Understanding the Pulse Oximetry technique requires the a set of knowledge, including:
- light absorption phenomenon of two beams with wavelength between 640 nm and 950 nm in hemoglobin Hb & oxyhemoglobin HbO2.
- The generation of red and infrared photoplethysmographic signals components after passing through the skin bed as a finger.
- The comprehension of ratio and AC and DC components of these red and infrared photoplethysmographic signals.
- The calculation of SpO2 (%) in function of ratio
With this GUI we intend to visually include these set of knowledge within the interface. This fact makes the operator of the simulation to visualize this figures regarding the pulse oximeter techniques anytime he/she operates the simulator.
Once everything gets installed you will display a GUI as the picture bellow: