How to proceed with setup:
- Install Ruby 2.2.0 via RVM
- Prepare "bundle install"
- Run rake db:migrate
- Seed DB with required data with rake db:seed
- Start server via "rails s"
- Vitis http://localhost:3000
- Login as with "changeme" as an password (can be changed in config/secrets.yml)
How to proceed with tasks:
- Fork the project
- Change or add the code to meet the requirements
- For each task create one commit with proper description
- In case of any questions please create an issue on Guthub and precisely describe your problem or issue
Test tasks:
- Please add an age column to the User model - do not change spec tests - all should pass. Tip: you need to change not only the model but also add new registration controller and modify some of the views files. Some useful links: or
- Please route users page (/users) to /all_users. Try to write a spec (test) for it.
- Create completely new resource representing cities with name (eg. London) and short_name (eg. Ld) fields in it (model City, cities_controller.rb etc.). Add simple CRUD for it to the main app (similar to existing one for users). Write simple unit specs for it.
- Add city_id as a new field to the users - this task is very similar to the first one.
- Add pagination gem to the project - for users or cities (pick one). Suggested one:
- Add few cities to the seed file and make sure it's working when invoking rake db:seed.
- Call browser's alert window with current logged-in user's name via Javascript when visits main page (please do that via Coffeescript).
Few words about the stack:
This application was generated with the rails_apps_composer gem: provided by the RailsApps Project:
Recipes Used:
- apps4
- controllers
- core
- extras
- frontend
- gems
- git
- init
- models
- prelaunch
- railsapps
- readme
- routes
- saas
- setup
- testing
- views
- git: true
- apps4: rails-devise
- unit_test: false
- integration: false
- fixtures: false
- authentication: devise
- authorization: false
- starter_app: false
- quiet_assets: true
- local_env_file: false
- better_errors: true
- dev_webserver: webrick
- prod_webserver: same
- database: sqlite
- templates: erb
- continuous_testing: none
- frontend: simple
- email: gmail
- devise_modules: default
- form_builder: none
- rvmrc: true