Type-safe, exception-free no magic web framework for people that like to sleep at night.
module main
import khalyomede.mantis.http { create_app, App, Response }
import khalyomede.mantis.http.route
fn main() {
app := create_app(
cpus: 8
routes: [
route.get(path: "/", callback: fn (app App) !Response {
return app.response.html(content: "hello world")
app.serve() or { panic(err) }
Browse khalyomede.github.io/mantis.
Mantis is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for details.
- veb: the official V web framework
- awesome-v: a curated list of V packages including web tools
- vpm: the official V package registry
v -stats -N -W test .
██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ (30/107 - 28%)
- Routing
- ✅ Get routes
- ✅ Post routes
- ✅ Routes with parameters
- Middlewares
- Global middlewares
- ✅ before route matching
- ✅ after route matching
- Route-level middlewares
- ✅ before route renders
- ✅ after route renders
- ⏳ Middleware interruption
- Before route matching/rendering
- Continue
- Skip to route
- Terminate
- After route matching/rendering
- Continue
- Terminate
- Before route matching/rendering
- Global middlewares
- Views
- ⏳ HTML components
- ⏳ HTML enum attributes
- ⏳ Static pages
- Translations / internationalization (i18n)
- ✅ Simple texts
- ✅ Translation parameters
- ✅ Singular/plural translation
- ✅ Gender translation (feminine/masculine)
- Session management
- Drivers
- ✅ Local file
- ✅ Cookie (client read-only)
- ⏳ Database
- ⏳ Redis
- Drivers
- Validation
- ✅ Basic validation
- ⏳ Rules
- ⏳ And, Or, Not
- ⏳ Validation helper
- ✅ Custom rules
- Request
- ✅ Parsing query
- ✅ Parsing body
- ⏳ Form integrity checker
- ⏳ Multipart/form-data form file parsing
- Url
- ✅ Url builder
- Response
- ✅ Basic HTML response
- ✅ Response headers
- ✅ Redirect responses
- ⏳ Streamed response
- ⏳ Keep-alive response
- ⏳ Chunked transfer encoding
- Environment
- ✅ Dot env embeded values
- ⏳ Nested envs in other envs
- Database
- ⏳ Max connections settings (with wait mecanism)
- ✅ Typed MySQL query result (struct)
- ⏳ Support for relationships
- Drivers
- ⏳ MySQL/MariaDB
- ⏳ Postgres
- ✅ Sqlite
- ⏳ Local file
- ⏳ Migrations
- ⏳ Seeders
- Real time
- Web socket drivers
- ⏳ Server-Side Events (SSE)
- Push notification drivers
- ⏳ Local file
- ⏳ Firebase
- ⏳ Pusher
- Web socket drivers
- Security
- Authentication drivers
- ⏳ Database
- Single Sign-On
- ⏳ Apple
- ⏳ Github
- Views
- ⏳ XSS protection
- Session
- ⏳ Encrypted session ids (read-only Cookie / File-based session)
- ⏳ CSRF protection
- ⏳ Rate limit helper
- Encryption
- ⏳ Crypt/decrypt helper
- Password hasher
- ⏳ Password Hash helper
- Validation
- ⏳ Escaping HTML inside string values
- Url
- ⏳ Escaping URL parts
- Request
- ⏳ Form body size limit
- Authentication drivers
- Communication
- ⏳ HTTP client
- Email driver
- ⏳ Local file
- ⏳ Mailtrap
- ⏳ SMTP mailer
- SMS drivers
- ⏳ Local file
- ⏳ Vonage
- ⏳ Twilio
- File storage drivers
- ⏳ Local file
- ⏳ AWS S3
- Task scheduling
- ⏳ Command builder
- ⏳ Cron scheduler
- Background task drivers
- ⏳ Local file
- ⏳ Database
- Monitoring
- Logging drivers
- ✅ Local file
- ⏳ Syslog
- ⏳ Papertrail
- Error tracking drivers
- ⏳ Local file
- ⏳ Sentry
- Logging drivers
- Local development
- Local running
- ⏳ Docker image
- Testing
- ⏳ Unit test helpers
- ⏳ Mocking utilities
- Assets bundling
- ⏳ Vite.js
- ⏳ Static file serving
- Local running
- Performance
- ⏳ Improved concurrency performance
- ⏳ Memory efficient Fake data generator
- Production running
- ⏳ On-demand mode
- ✅ Standalone mode (multi-cores)
- ⏳ Zero traffic-loss live-code update (no downtime deployment)
- ⏳ Embeded HTTPS/SSL request handling
- Testing
- ✅ Expect test-style
- ⏳ HTTP expectations
- ⏳ Error stack trace (like built-in assert)
- ✅ Fake data generator
- Comparisons
- ✅ Laravel
- ⏳ Rails
- ⏳ AdonisJS
- ⏳ Express
- ⏳ Gin
- Examples
- ⏳ With HTMX
- ⏳ Inertia adapter
- ✅ Online documentation