Community driven database to get bank info (name, brand, color, etc.) by bankcard prefix (BIN)
This is golang port of ramoona's banks-db.
go get -u
Below is an example which shows some common use cases for banksdb:
package main
import (
func main() {
for _, creditCard := range []string{"5275940000000000", "4111111111111111"} {
bank := banksdb.FindBank(creditCard)
paymentSystem := paymentsystem.FindPaymentSystem(creditCard)
fmt.Printf("CreditCard: %s\n", creditCard)
fmt.Printf("Bank info: %#v\n", bank)
if paymentSystem != nil {
fmt.Printf("Payment system: %s\n", *paymentSystem)
CreditCard: 5275940000000000
Bank info: &banksdb.Bank{Name:"citibank", Country:"ru", LocalTitle:"Ситибанк", EngTitle:"Citibank", URL:"", Color:"#0088cf", Prefixes:[]int{419349, 427760, 427761, 520306, 527594}}
Payment system: MasterCard
CreditCard: 4111111111111111
Bank info: (*banksdb.Bank)(nil)
Payment system: Visa