This GNU Radio OOT implements CCSDS FEC codes as specified by the CCSDS TM Synchonization and Channel Coding (CCSDS 131.0-B-2, August 2011).
- CC(7,1/2)
- RS(255,223) and RS(255,239) [Conventional and Dual-basis]
- LDPC(8176,8154) and LDPC(8160,7136) [aka C2]
- Turbo Codes [based on Gianluca's deepspace-turbo module and gr-dslwp]
- Frame sync, with automatic ambiguity resolution
The flowgraphs use the gr-mapper OOT to evaluate BER performance.
git clone
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
git clone
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
sudo make install && sudo ldconfig
See examples folder. Configuration of LDPC Encoder and Decoder
- The LDPC encoder uses circulants to create the generator matrix. The circulant file is under /lib/fec/ldpc/gmini/C2.txt
- The LDPC decoder uses alist file to create the parity check matrix. The alist file is under /lib/fec/ldpc/alist/C2_alist.a
- Memory leaks in the LDPC Decoder (See examples/LDPC/ldpc_bit_error_rate.grc)
- Memory leaks in the Turbo Decoder (See examples/Turbo/turbo_bit_error_rate.grc)