Collection of ROS utilis.
ROS node C++ template with any_node, clang-tools, etc.
Template to calibrate a Realsense D435 and a UVC device.
Collection of launch files.
Collection of Matlab scripts.
Converts a transformation matrix (T_parent_child = [RotMatrix, Position; 0, 0, 0, 1]) to a string that can be used in a launch file to create a ROS static transform publisher.
Usage: outputString = transformation2static_transform_publisher(T_target_source, targetFrameName, sourceFrameName);
target_P = T_target_source * source_P
Collections of python scripts
Script to get position and quaternion information of a source frame w.r.t. a target frame.
Usage: rosrun arco_ros_utils_py tf_echo <target_frame> <source_frame>
Hints: target_P = RotMatrix(q_from_tf_echo) * source_P
Collection of rosbag record scripts.