TEMP links
- https://www.opennet.ru/base/sec/ssl_sertifacition.txt.html
- https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs/nodejs_raspberrypi.asp ["кружок электроники" 2020х]
- https://medium.com/swlh/strikethrough-using-html5-26fea2020a72 [worth to think about it]
- median VS average {
- https://www.thebalance.com/median-vs-average-what-the-difference-2682237 {
"... the difference between median and mean? This is an easy one: Mean is used to refer to arithmetic mean, one of the different types of mean. Mean and average are the same. They are synonyms ..."
: https://www.payscale.com/compensation-today/2011/11/mean-vs-mediandiscreet VS continuous measurement- choice of best criteria depends of field of usage these terms (measurements)
- depands of dataset size and itś other statistics values
"the mean or average is very sensitive to outliers (abnormally low or high values), while the median is much less affected by outliers."
- https://medium.com/@nhan.tran/mean-median-an-mode-in-statistics-3359d3774b0b {
- to-beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee }
- https://www.diffen.com/difference/Mean_vs_Median {
- "While an
has traditionally been a popular measure of a mid-point in a sample, ithas the disadvantage of being affected by any single value being too high or too low compared to the rest of the sample
. This is why a median is sometimes taken as a better measure of a mid point." - "Applicability: The
mean is used for normal distributions
. Themedian is generally used for skewed distributions
." - calculating of the meAn is simpler VS founding the meDian [math-expression VS sorting]
- "in case of
an even number of observations
, there is no single middle value, so it is a usual practice to take the mean of thetwo middle values
." - 'central tendency' гарно іллюстує безглуздість використання середньаріфметичного значення "средняя темпрература по палате" Comparison of mean, median and mode of two log-normal distributions with different skewness
The disadvantage: mean is not a robust statistic tool
since it cannot be applied to all distributions but is easily the most widely used statistic tool to derive the central tendency. The reason that mean cannot be applied to all distributions is because it gets unduly impacted by values in the sample that are too small to too large.The disadvantage: median is that it is difficult to handle theoretically
. There is no easy mathematical formula to calculate the median.- The
arithmetic mean
, geometric mean and harmonic mean together form a set of means called the Pythagorean means. Harmonic mean ≤ Geometric mean ≤ Arithmetic mean }
- "While an
- https://www.thebalance.com/median-vs-average-what-the-difference-2682237 {
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_silo \традиционные отделы в организациях как "колодцы", не позволяющие распределить потоки инфо\
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indigo_Era { VEON, LetterOne, Mikhail M Fridman 21-April-1964, ... }
- 🧠
- «Мимино́» (груз. მიმინო) — советский комедийный художественный фильм режиссёра Георгия Данелии
- «Тостуемый пьёт до дна» — вторая книга мемуаров Георгия Данелии, впервые опубликованная в 2005 году
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noa_(name) 🇦🇷
- https://dater.pp.ua/ ("Free online encyclopedia. Did you know?" by Nick Gotra
- Over the Hedge 2006 {Слоган: «Ребята, надо поделиться!», Режиссер: Тим Джонсон, Кэри Киркпатрик } (lesnaya-bratva) 📺 https://rezka.ag/cartoons/foreign/1535-lesnaya-bratva.html, http://baskino.me/films/komedii/284-lesnaya-bratva.html, https://kinokrad.co/259641-lesnaya-bratva.html
- Святкування Пасхи католиками і православними у 2021 році | Як визначають дату Великодня та що класти у кошик?
- Тоже {historical} Форум
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