- Problem or incident? - Valiantys - Atlassian Platinum Partner
- PagerDuty Incident Response Documentation
- ITSM Basics: A Simple Introduction to Incident Management | SysAid Blog
- ITSM Benefits | IT Service Management
- ITSM vs ITIL: What’s the Difference? – BMC Blogs
- ITSM Basics: What Is a Service? | Joe The IT Guy
- What is ITSM? The Beginner's Guide to IT Service Management
- Thank you | ITSM begineer's guide 2018
- IT Support Levels Clearly Explained: L1, L2, L3 & More – BMC Software {2019, voiced-by-Amazon-Polly}
- Network Operations Center | NOC | IT | Splunk
- What is a Network Operations Center(NOC) - A Detailed Guide
- What is a Network Operations Center (NOC)?
- playbook / runbook : {
"According to Accenture, a playbook includes
“process workflows, standard operating procedures, and cultural values that shape a consistent response—the play. A playbook reflects a plan; an approach or strategy defining predetermined responses worked out ahead of time.”May 29, 2018","Operations runbooks, often simply called runbooks,
are a set of standardized documents, references, and procedures used to describe common IT tasks. Runbooks are created for the purpose of walking someone through the steps necessary for accomplishing a specific task or troubleshooting a particular issue.May 21, 2020"`, - What is swarming? And how does it benefit your IT support?
- Swarming vs Tiered Support Models Explained – BMC Software {2018}
- Swarming vs Tiered Support Model - Which Is Better? | Freshservice {2017}
- Swarming: How a new approach to support can save DevOps teams from 3rd line tickets hell { 40 slides 2018 DevOps SSummit } 🦸 🎧
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redmine
- Jira Support ( Atlassian ) https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/service-management
- https://www.customerzone360.com/topics/customer/articles/441500-kms-vs-cms-what-the-differences.htm
- https://learn.javascript.ru/csrf
- https://duo.com/docs/radius
- https://www.watchguard.com/help/docs/help-center/en-US/Content/Integration-Guides/General/duo-security-authentication.html
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nessus_(software)
- https://www.varonis.com/blog/what-is-siem/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let%27s_Encrypt
- Sam Newman - SECURING MICROSERVICES | Øredev 2015 on Vimeo 📺 [00:39:51]
- Certbot - About Certbot
- SOLID (объектно-ориентированное программирование)
- Single-responsibility principle {SRP}
- Publish–subscribe pattern {Pub/Sub}
- What does the "triage" tag on Github mean?
- Jira Training | for Beginners | Jira Course | Intellipaat 📺 [36:08]
- software architectural style that defines a set of constraints to be used for creating Web services wiki
- eng Introduction to REST API - RESTful Web Services @Nov 14, 2019 / rus Введение в REST API — RESTful веб-сервисы
MSA (Microservices Architecture) vs SOA ( Service-Oriented Application\Architecture wiki ) : 🍎 🐱 🏗️
- Software Architecture Guide
- Principles Of Microservices - Sam Newman on Vimeo 📺 [01:00:43]
- Sam Newman Building Microservices , Sam Newman Monolith To Microservices
- Strangler application on microservices.io
- StranglerFigApplication
- What Is Service-Oriented Architecture? | by Software Development Community
- Composite UIs for Microservices - A Primer
- State of the Art in Microservices - Adrian Cockcroft @adrianco, Technology Fellow - Battery Ventures, Microxchg Berlin - February 2015 .pdf.
- Adrian Cockcroft - Keynote: Monitoring Microservices, 2015 : <attention-for-part @16:05> 📺
- Monitoring Microservices and Containers: A Challenge by Adrian Cockcroft
- Software Architecture Conference - Monitoring Microservices - A Challenge, 2015 March slides
- "Monitoring Microservices: A Challenge" - Adrian Cockcroft Keynote 📺
- Microservices Workshop All Topics Deck 2016 ,,364 sildes.,,
- https://www.google.com/search?q=domain+driven+design+pdf
- devopsdays ORG : Kyiv-2021 devOpsDays logo 🇺🇦 video-records 📺 DevOps Days Kyiv 2021 {18 videos}
- The persistent network connection allows the client and server to send/receive multiple HTTP requests/responses without opening a new connection for every single request/response pair.
- Persistent connections can improve overall system performance by eliminating the need to send additional TCP/IP packets for establishing and closing the network connection before/after each request.
- The connection is persistent by default for HTTP/1.1_ clients. For HTTP/1.0 connections, you need to explicitly indicate that you want a persistent connection by adding the
"Connection: keep-alive"
header. - A client can inform the server that it doesn't need a persistent connection by sending the
"Connection: close"
header, thereby freeing up server resources. For example, if the client does not plan to send more than one request to this server. - If the server does not support persistent connections or cannot provide a persistent connection at this time, it can indicate this by sending the
"Connection: close"
header in the response.
try Keep-Alive
connection; try Close
- https://reqbin.com/Article/Connection
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Keep-Alive
- User-Agent Client Hints : set of Client Hints that aim to provide developers with the ability to perform agent-based content negotiation when necessary, while avoiding the historical baggage and passive fingerprinting surface exposed by the venerable User-Agent header
- Usage Survey of Web Servers broken down by Ranking 📆 2021
- Nginx Vs Apache: Nginx Basic Architecture and Scalability 2013
- Nginx vs Apache: Which Web Server Is the Best? (2021 Edition)
- NGINX vs Apache: Head to Head Comparison 2021
- Scaling WordPress: Apache vs Nginx vs Apache+Nginx - Scale Dynamix 2020
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications (Volume 2): nginx
an open standard file format, and data interchange format, uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of
attribute–value pairs
andarray data
types (or any other serializable value) wiki
- https://www.json.org/json-en.html
- https://jsonapi.org/
- https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_json_intro.asp { with live script examples }
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON
- ECMAScript® 2021 Language Specification
human-readable data-serialization language, commonly used for configuration files and in applications... targets many of the same communications applications as XML... uses both
Python-style indentation
to indicate nesting, and a more compact format - so thatJSON files are valid YAML 1.2
. is simply a data-representation language,.. integration with other languages allowsPerl parsers
, for example, which can execute Perl code. wiki
- https://yaml.org/spec/
- https://www.cloudbees.com/blog/yaml-tutorial-everything-you-need-get-started/
- https://blog.stackpath.com/yaml/
Virtualization on OS level \ Containerization : wiki
- https://habr.com/ru/company/virtuozzo/blog/319998/
- https://gigacloud.ua/blog/navchannja/chomu-kontejneri-ce-majbutne-virtualizacii
- https://www.bigdataschool.ru/blog/containers-big-data.html
- https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/virtualization/windowscontainers/about/containers-vs-vm
- YouTube
- "Виртуализация или контейнеры ? В чем разница ?" 📺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWhc96LbDME --> https://system-admins.ru/teoriya-primery-virtualizacii/
- Контейнерная виртуализация в Linux 📺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJRLZfk3a8U
- "007. Виртуализация и контейнеризация" - Антон Конвалюк 📺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsQAAaNpw6Y
- NGINX Ingress Controller - NGINX
- How it works - NGINX Ingress Controller
- Kubernetes for dummies by a dummy | by Tom Glenn
- Kubernetes/rancher/related ebooks-and-whitepapers
- Kubernetes tutorial — Create deployments using YAML file | by KarthiKeyan Shanmugam
- Intro to K8s and Rancher - 2020-07-24 📺 [1:39:17] { Rancher as K8s-management-solution }
- Kustomize - Kubernetes native configuration management { built-into kubectl_1.14+ }
- Intro to Kubernetes and Rancher - 2020-08-06 📺 [01:30:40] { by https://hub.docker.com/u/monachus/ }
- Kubernetes - Introduction & key concepts
- Deployments | DOCS
- Templating YAML in Kubernetes with real code
- Kubernetes Deployment Tutorial with YAML - Kubernetes Book
- kubectl Cheat Sheet | Kubernetes
- SUSE & Rancher Community 🧑🤝🧑 📖 📽️
- { Rancher Labs } 📺 channel 🌄
Apache Kafka is an open-source stream-processing software platform developed by the Apache Software F:oundation, written in Scala and Java. The project aims to provide a unified, high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Kafka can connect to external systems (for data import/export) via Kafka Connect and provides Kafka Streams, a Java stream processing library. Kafka uses a binary TCP-based protocol... We can use Kafka as a Message Queue or a Messaging System but as a distributed streaming platform Kafka has several other usages for stream processing or storing data. Messaging System: a highly scalable, fault-tolerant and distributed Publish/Subscribe messaging system. In short, Kafka is used for stream processing, website activity tracking, metrics collection and monitoring, log aggregation, real-time analytics, CEP, ingesting data into Spark, ingesting data into Hadoop, CQRS, replay messages, error recovery, and guaranteed distributed commit log for in-memory computing... Kafka provides a framework for storing, reading and analysing streaming data... was originally created at LinkedIn, where it played a part in analysing the connections between their millions of professional users in order to build networks between people.
- https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/
- https://dzone.com/articles/what-is-kafka
- https://www.cloudkarafka.com/blog/2016-11-30-part1-kafka-for-beginners-what-is-apache-kafka.html
- {from @ZinoviiYu} https://blog.newrelic.com/engineering/new-relic-kafkapocalypse/
Microsoft Message Queuing, MSMQ : wiki
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/ms834460(v=msdn.10)
- https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/windows_msmq_queue_length_sensor (PRTG sensor)
- https://www.spotlightcloud.io/
- NewRelic (
) - PRTG sensors (
) - https://www.sqlskills.com/sql-server-resources/
- https://aboutsqlserver.com/
- deadlock mssql ⚾
"non-relational" DB provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases wiki
PRTG Network Monitor : wiki 🎹 💚 🎺
Paessler Router Traffic Grapher until version 7 is an agentless network monitoring software from Paessler AG. PRTG 100 is available for both personal and commercial use for free, but is limited to monitoring 100 sensors. If you want to monitor more sensors, you need one of the Commercial Editions. Our licensing model is based on the number of sensors and core server installations.
- https://www.paessler.com/manuals/prtg/introduction_monitoring_with_prtg
- https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/66113-how-can-prtg-send-notifications-to-slack (integration with #Slack)
- https://kb.paessler.com/en/topic/33-how-can-i-re-brand-and-customize-the-prtg-web-interface-using-css-and-javascript 🖌️
- {practical-task} Maps design
- {practical-task} Libraries design
- What does error code PExxx mean? 📔
- prtg_sensor-probes_interval-check: (
) - PRTG Manual | Glossary 📑
- Windows-related (WMI services) issues:
- **Top 5 most frequent challenges sysadmins face 🤖 🎺 📝
- PagerDuty vs Opsgenie | Why PagerDuty?
- Opsgenie vs. PagerDuty | Alternative to PagerDuty
- Why VictorOps is the DevOps Alternative to Opsgenie | VictorOps
- https://www.reddit.com/r/devops/comments/g34drp/pagerduty_vs_victorops_vs_opsgenie/
- OpsGenie vs PagerDuty | What are the differences?
- OpsGenie vs PagerDuty | TrustRadius
- Which is better, PagerDuty, VictorOps, or OpsGenie? - Quora
- 5 reasons why Zenduty is a great alternative to Opsgenie, Pagerduty, and VictorOps(O/P/V) | by Vishwa Krishnakumar | Zenduty | Medium
- https://sourceforge.net/software/compare/Opsgenie-vs-PagerDuty/
- https://www.itcentralstation.com/products/comparisons/opsgenie_vs_pagerduty_vs_victorops
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXVNpGVEYQ4 ( OpsGenie 📺 timing 02:40 minutes )
- Intro to Atlassian's Opsgenie 📺 ( timing 33:30 )
- How to Use HAProxy for Load Balancing | Linode https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/how-to-use-haproxy-for-load-balancing/
- HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer http://www.haproxy.org/
- 15 Metrics for DevOps Success
- 7 DevOps Practices | DevOps Principles 🕖
- Measuring DevOps
- https://t.me/s/catops 😺
- videos 💯
- https://www.devops-research.com/research.html
- https://dou.ua/lenta/articles/devops-dou-webinar/ { partial transcript } 📺 [01:34:45]
- https://system-admins.ru/devops-engineer/
- NDC Conferences 📺 NDC Conferences - YouTube
- What is DevOps? | Atlassian 📘 🇦🇺 🧔
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azure_DevOps_Server#:~:text=formerly%20Team%20Foundation%20Server%20(TFS)
- SRE (concept): {
SRE satisfies the DevOps [five] pillars
as follows:
organizational silos
- SRE shares ownership with developers to create shared responsibility
- SREs use the same tools that developers use, and vice versa
failure as normal
- SREs embrace risk[6]
- SRE quantifies failure and availability in a prescriptive manner using Service Level Indicators (SLIs) and Service Level Objectives (SLOs)
- SRE mandates blameless post mortems
gradual changes
- SRE encourages developers and product owners to move quickly by reducing the cost of failure
tooling and automation
- SREs have a charter to automate manual tasks (called "toil") away
Measure everything
prtg- SRE defines prescriptive ways to measure values
- SRE fundamentally believes that systems operation is a software problem
- https://sre.google/
- https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/devops/what-is-sre#
- https://www.overops.com/blog/devops-vs-sre-whats-the-difference-between-them-and-which-one-are-you/ {2018}
- https://www.atlassian.com/incident-management/devops/sre
- https://victorops.com/blog/site-reliability-engineer-sre-roles-and-responsibilities {2019}
- [Что такое современное IT, как, почему работает и кто за что отвечает[(https://pastebin.com/JLqvqjmj)