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Native Khulnasoft plugin for Neovim.


Feel free to create an issue/PR if you want to see anything else implemented.




use {
    requires = {
    config = function()
    dependencies = {
    config = function()


After installation and configuration, you will need to authenticate with Khulnasoft. This can be done by running :Khulnasoft Auth, copying the token from your browser and pasting it into API token request.

To use Khulnasoft Chat, execute the :Khulnasoft Chat command. The chat will be opened in your default browser using the xdg-open command.


  • config_path: the path to the config file, used to store the API key.

  • bin_path: the path to the directory where the Khulnasoft server will be downloaded to.

  • api: information about the API server to use:

    • host: the hostname. Example: "". Required when using enterprise mode
    • port: the port. Defaults to 443
    • path: the path prefix to the API server. Default for enterprise: "/_route/api_server"
    • portal_url: the portal URL to use (for enterprise mode). Defaults to host:port
  • enterprise_mode: enable enterprise mode

  • detect_proxy: enable or disable proxy detection

  • enable_chat: enable chat functionality

  • enable_cmp_source: defaults to true. Set false to disable registering a cmp source

  • virtual_text: configuration for showing completions in virtual text

    • enabled: defaults to false. Set true to enable the virtual text feature
    • filetypes: A mapping of filetype to true or false, to enable virtual text
    • default_filetype_enabled: Whether to enable virtual text of not for types not listed in filetypes.
    • manual: Set true to only trigger Khulnasoft using a manual Lua function call
    • idle_delay: defaults to 75. Time in ms to wait before requesting completions after typing stops.
    • virtual_text_priority: defaults to 65535. Priority of the virtual text
    • map_keys: defaults to true. Set false to not set any key bindings for completions
    • accept_fallback: Emulate pressing this key when using the accept key binding but there is no completion. Defaults to "\t"
    • key_bindings: key bindings for accepting and cycling through completions
      • accept: key binding for accepting a completion, default is <Tab>
      • accept_word: key binding for accepting only the next word, default is not set
      • accept_line: key binding for accepting only the next line, default is not set
      • clear: key binding for clearing the virtual text, default is not set
      • next: key binding for cycling to the next completion, default is <M-]>
      • prev: key binding for cycling to the previous completion, default is <M-[>
  • workspace_root:

    • use_lsp: Use Neovim's LSP support to find the workspace root, if possible.
    • paths: paths to files that indicate a workspace root when not using the LSP support
    • find_root: An optional function that the plugin will call to find the workspace root.
  • tools: paths to binaries used by the plugin:

    • uname: not needed on Windows, defaults given.

    • uuidgen

    • curl:

    • gzip: not needed on Windows, default implemenation given using powershell.exe Expand-Archive instead

    • language_server: The path to the language server downloaded from the official source.

  • wrapper: the path to a wrapper script/binary that is used to execute any binaries not listed under tools. This is primarily useful for NixOS, where a FHS wrapper can be used for the downloaded khulnasoft server.

After calling setup, this plugin will register a source in nvim-cmp. nvim-cmp can then be set up to use this source using the sources configuration:

    -- ...
    sources = {
        -- ...
        { name = "khulnasoft" }

If you are seeing the khulnasoft source as unused in :CmpStatus, make sure that nvim-cmp setup happens before the khulnasoft.nvim setup.

To set a symbol for khulnasoft using lspkind, use the Khulnasoft keyword. Example:

    -- ...
    formatting = {
        format = require('lspkind').cmp_format({
            mode = "symbol",
            maxwidth = 50,
            ellipsis_char = '...',
            symbol_map = { Khulnasoft = "", }

Virtual Text

The plugin supports showing completions in virtual text. Set virtual_text.enabled in the options to true to enable it.

    -- Optionally disable cmp source if using virtual text only
    enable_cmp_source = false,
    virtual_text = {
        enabled = true,

        -- These are the defaults

        -- Set to true if you never want completions to be shown automatically.
        manual = false,
        -- A mapping of filetype to true or false, to enable virtual text.
        filetypes = {},
        -- Whether to enable virtual text of not for filetypes not specifically listed above.
        default_filetype_enabled = true,
        -- How long to wait (in ms) before requesting completions after typing stops.
        idle_delay = 75,
        -- Priority of the virtual text. This usually ensures that the completions appear on top of
        -- other plugins that also add virtual text, such as LSP inlay hints, but can be modified if
        -- desired.
        virtual_text_priority = 65535,
        -- Set to false to disable all key bindings for managing completions.
        map_keys = true,
        -- The key to press when hitting the accept keybinding but no completion is showing.
        -- Defaults to \t normally or <c-n> when a popup is showing. 
        accept_fallback = nil,
        -- Key bindings for managing completions in virtual text mode.
        key_bindings = {
            -- Accept the current completion.
            accept = "<Tab>",
            -- Accept the next word.
            accept_word = false,
            -- Accept the next line.
            accept_line = false,
            -- Clear the virtual text.
            clear = false,
            -- Cycle to the next completion.
            next = "<M-]>",
            -- Cycle to the previous completion.
            prev = "<M-[>",

Virtual Text Keybindings

The plugin defines a number of key bindings for managing completion in virtual text mode. You can override these by setting virtual_text.key_bindings. If you don't want any key bindings, set virtual_text.map_keys to false, or you can set specific bindings to false.

When manual mode is enabled, you can call any of these functions to show completions:

-- Request completions immediately.

-- Request a completion, or cycle to the next if we already have some

-- Complete only after idle_delay has passed with no other calls to debounced_complete().

Virtual Text Filetypes

You can set the filetypes and default_filetype_enabled options in the virtual_text table to configure which filetypes should use virtual text.

    virtual_text = {
        filetypes = { 
            python = true,
            markdown = false
        default_filetype_enabled = true

Show Khulnasoft status in statusline

When using virtual text, Khulnasoft status can be generated by calling require('khulnasoft.virtual_text').status_string(). It produces a 3 char long string with Khulnasoft status:

  • '3/8' - third suggestion out of 8
  • '0' - Khulnasoft returned no suggestions
  • '*' - waiting for Khulnasoft response

In order to show it in status line add following line to your .vimrc:

set statusline+=%3{v:lua.require('khulnasoft.virtual_text').status_string()}

Please check :help statusline for further information about building statusline in VIM.

The status_string function can also be used with other statusline plugins. You can call the set_statusbar_refresh function to customize how the plugin refreshes the status bar.

For example, this sets up the plugin with lualine:


For more customization, you can also call the status function which returns an object that can be used to create a status string.

function custom_status()
	local status = require('khulnasoft.virtual_text').status()

	if status.state == 'idle' then
		-- Output was cleared, for example when leaving insert mode
        return ' '

	if status.state == 'waiting' then
		-- Waiting for response
		return "Waiting..."

	if status.state == 'completions' and > 0 then
        return string.format('%d/%d', status.current,

	return ' 0 '

Workspace Root Directory

The plugin uses a few techniques to find the workspace root directory, which helps to inform the autocomplete and chat context.

  1. Call the optional workspace_root.find_root function, if provided. This is described below.
  2. Query Neovim's built-in LSP support for the workspace root, if workspace_root.use_lsp is not set to false.
  3. Search upward in the filesystem for a file or directory in workspace_root.paths that indicates a workspace root.

The default configuration is:

	workspace_root = {
		use_lsp = true,
		find_root = nil,
		paths = {

The find_root function can help the plugin find the workspace root when you are not using Neovim's built-in LSP provider. For example, this snippet calls into coc.nvim to find the workspace root.

	workspace_root = {
		find_root = function()
			return vim.fn.CocAction("currentWorkspacePath")


The plugin log is written to ~/.cache/nvim/khulnasoft/khulnasoft.log.

You can set the logging level to one of trace, debug, info, warn, error by exporting the DEBUG_KHULNASOFT environment variable.


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