- GnuPG (Free implementation of the OpenPGP standard)
- Pass (Password management)
- LazyGit (Simple terminal UI for git commands)
- Neovim (Hyperextensible Vim-based text editor)
- Stow (Symlink farm manager)
- Zoxide (A smarter cd command)
- FZF (General-purpose command-line fuzzy finder)
- Exa (Modern replacement for ls)
- Oh My Posh (Prompt theme engine)
- SSHFS (Mount a remote filesystem using SFTP)
- ImageMagick (Editing and manipulating digital images)
- FFmpeg (Record, convert and stream audio and video)
- Browser-sync (Synchronised browser testing)
- Feh (Light-weight, configurable and versatile image viewer)
- Vifm (Vim-like environment for managing files)