The integration framework Apache Camel provides a set of components integrating Debezium (Mysql and other connectors) with Apache Camel. This example demonstrates dockerized OpenMRS refApp and an integration pipeline capturing changes in the database generated by the application. We've whitelisted the following tables:
- Encounter
- Obs
The example consists of only 3 components:
- Apache Camel CDC pipeline that
- captures database changes
- converts the raw changes into domain Java classes
- TODO - Restructure
- TODO - Send to spark
- OpenMRS
- MySql
Build the pipeline and start the docker stack by running:
# Terminal One
$ mvn clean install
$ docker-compose up --build # or
$ mvn exec:java -pl dbz-camel # during dev
Make some updates on the database/OpenMRS, you should be able to view these changes through the logs for the cdc-pipeline container