- Install docker-compose
- Copy .env.example and custom it
cp .env.example .env
- Put your certs files to ./assets/certs
- Put your dkim files to ./assets/dkim
- Run docker-composer for mailserver
docker-compose build mailserver
docker-compose up -d mailserver
participant C as EMailSMTPClient (Monolith)
participant M as MailServer (Postfix+Dovecot)
participant S as SMTP (Postfix)
participant D as MAILER-DAEMON
participant P as POP/IMAP (Dovecot)
participant Y as Relay Yandex
participant NS as NS-server
participant MX as MX-server
C->>+M: { to: user@domain.name, from: noreply@mydomain.ltd, bcc: masha@mydomain.ltd }
M->>+S: { to: user@domain.name, from: noreply@mydomain.ltd, bcc: masha@mydomain.ltd }
S->>-M: received
M->>-C: received
alt if to === noreply@mydomain.ltd
S->>+P: { to: user@domain.name, from: noreply@mydomain.ltd, bcc: masha@mydomain.ltd }
P-->>-S: status=sent (delivered via dovecot service)
else if to === *@mydomain.ltd
S->>+Y: *@mydomain.ltd relay:[mx.yandex.ru]
alt success
Y-->>-S: status=sent (250 OK)
else fail
Y--xM: status=deferred (450 4.2.1 The recipient has exceeded message rate limit)
M->>D: { to: noreply@mydomain.ltd, from: MAILER-DAEMON@smtp }
D->>P: { to: noreply@mydomain.ltd, from: MAILER-DAEMON@smtp }
S->>+NS: mx for domain.name
NS-->>-S: mx.domain.name
S->>+MX: *@domain.name relay:[mx.domain.name]
alt success
MX-->>-S: status=sent (250 OK)
else fail
MX--xM: status=deferred (450 4.2.1 The recipient has exceeded message rate limit)
M->>D: { to: noreply@mydomain.ltd, from: MAILER-DAEMON@smtp }
D->>P: { to: noreply@mydomain.ltd, from: MAILER-DAEMON@smtp }