Tool for finding time-consuming database queries for ActiveRecord-based Rails Apps. Provides Slack notifications with backtrace, raw SQL, time duration, etc.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile
and then execute bundle install
gem 'query_track'
Specify SQL duration query limit (in seconds):
QueryTrack::Settings.configure do |config|
config.duration = 0.5
Enable console logs from config:
QueryTrack::Settings.configure do |config|
config.duration = 0.5
config.logs = true
To avoid noisy warnings from used gems, and places where fat queries are justified, you can filters SQL by backtrace.
For example, you have installed activeadmin
and want to skip everything from app/admin
QueryTrack::Settings.configure do |config|
config.duration = 0.5
config.filters = ['app/admin']
QueryTrack finds the trace by filtering the caller by the app directory.
By default, the app directory is set to 'app', the default for Rails apps.
For apps that have a non-stanard app directory, this can be set with the app_dir
config field:
QueryTrack::Settings.configure do |config|
config.duration = 0.5
config.app_dir = 'backend'
Enable/disable with ENV variables to turn it on/off without code push. By default QueryTrack is enabled.
QueryTrack::Settings.configure do |config|
config.duration = 0.5
config.enabled = ENV['QUERY_TRACK_ENABLED']
To receive notifications about slow queries into Slack, you need to install incoming-webhooks and put link into config file:
QueryTrack::Settings.configure do |config|
config.duration = 0.5
config.notifications.slack = ''
You can write your own handler for slow queries. Send data to any source(for e.g. to logs storage) or make notification for another source(Email, Messengers, etc.)
QueryTrack::Settings.configure do |config|
config.duration = 0.5
config.notifications.custom_handler = -> (sql, duration, trace) {
# data processing...
When QueryTrack send slack hooks, request is executed in separate thread. So there should be no synchronous delays.
Subscription to SQL events and checking duration time actually take insignificant time in milliseconds.
If your project is horizontally scaled, you can install query_track
for one of the node to avoid performance degrade for whole application.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.