DNS Statistics Collector (DSC) is a tool used for collecting and exploring statistics from busy DNS servers. It uses a distributed architecture with collectors running on or near nameservers sending their data to one or more central presenters for display and archiving. Collectors use pcap to sniff network traffic. They transmit aggregated data to the presenter as XML data.
DNS Statistics Presenter can be found here:
More information about DSC/DSP may be found here:
Issues should be reported here:
Following build tools are needed, example for Debian/Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install build-essential automake autoconf
Following dependencies are needed, example for Debian/Ubuntu.
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev libproc-pid-file-perl
If you are installing from the GitHub repository you need to initialize the submodule first and generate configure.
git submodule update --init
Now you can compile with optional options and install.
./configure [options ... ]
make install