The package is deprecated. Please use peewee-aio instead.
aio-peewee -- Peewee support for async frameworks (Asyncio, Trio, Curio)
The library doesn't make peewee work async, but allows you to use Peewee with your asyncio based libraries correctly.
- Tasks Safety. The library tracks of the connection state using Task-local storage, making the Peewee Database object safe to use with multiple tasks inside a loop.
- Async management of connections for Peewee Connections Pool
- python >= 3.8
aio-peewee should be installed using pip:
pip install aio-peewee
from aiopeewee import db_url
db = db_url.connect('postgres+async://locahost:5432/database')
async def main(id=1):
async with db:
item = Model.get( == 1)
from aiopeewee import PostgresqlDatabaseAsync, SqliteDatabaseAsync, MySQLDatabaseAsync, CockroachDatabaseAsync
db = PostgresqlDatabaseAsync('my_app', user='app', password='db_password', host='', port=3306)
# Manual
async def main():
await db.connect_async()
# ...
await db.close_async()
# Context manager
async def main():
async with db:
# ...
from aiopeewee import PooledPostgresqlDatabaseAsync, PooledSqliteDatabaseAsync, PooledMySQLDatabaseAsync, PooledCockroachDatabaseAsync
db = PooledPostgresqlDatabaseAsync('my_database', max_connections=8, stale_timeout=300, user='postgres')
from aiopeewee import db_url
db0 = db_url.connect('cockroachdb+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db1 = db_url.connect('cockroachdb+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db2 = db_url.connect('mysql+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db3 = db_url.connect('mysql+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db4 = db_url.connect('postgres+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db5 = db_url.connect('postgres+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db6 = db_url.connect('sqlite+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db7 = db_url.connect('sqlite+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db8 = db_url.connect('sqliteexc+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
db9 = db_url.connect('sqliteexc+pool+async://localhost/db', **db_params)
import datetime as dt
from asgi_tools import App
from aiopeewee import PeeweeASGIPlugin
import peewee as pw
db = PeeweeASGIPlugin(url='sqlite+async:///db.sqlite')
class Visit(pw.Model):
created = pw.DateTimeField(default=dt.datetime.utcnow())
address = pw.CharField()
app = App()
async def visits_json(request):
"""Store the visit and load latest 10 visits."""
return [{
'id':, 'address': v.address, 'timestamp': round(v.created.timestamp()),
} for v in]
app = db.middleware(app)
uses contextvars
to store db connections. So you have to
enable contextvars
for Curio:
If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at
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Licensed under a MIT license.