This project provides a AWS CloudFormation template to simply deploy a static webside to AWS infrastructure. By simple I mean accessible for people who are not experts in AWS and who may not be willing to follow through multipage tutorials. However simple does not mean naive, and a good amount of best practices deploying and maintaining web apps went into this template.
What you need:
- AWS account with IAM AdministratorAccess, or at least (... figure out min deployment rights...)
- Domain name where the application will be deployed, (e.g. Note, the Hosting Zone for the domain must exist?
You do NOT need to clone this repo, unless you are planning to contribute to it.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=... aws s3 sync misc s3://.../ --acl public-read --cache-control no-cache
- CodeCommit
- ...
- No need to # and pay for continuous integration services, CodeBuild takes care of that.
- No need to # and pay for hosting services, CloudFront/S3 take care of that
- ? may need GitHub ? Future scope?
Generate a webhook url (API Gateway/Lambda) to receive notifications from GitHub and deploy.
aws s3 cp .../index.html ... While not directly related to limiting access permissions, I’ve found the code fragment below to be useful when defining my CloudFormation stacks for CodePipeline. It’s a CloudFormation Output that defines the URL for CodePipeline. It’s useful as a way to quickly jump to the pipeline in CodePipeline once the CloudFormation stack is complete.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name CrossAccountPipeline
--region us-east-1 --disable-rollback --capabilities="CAPABILITY_IAM"
--parameters ParameterKey=PipelineAWSAccountId,ParameterValue=YOURAWSACCTID
- Create API GW + Lambda to receive webhook push, or
- Configure GitHub to push to SNS (
- Still need to have lambda to process SNS messages and trigger CodePipeline