A compilation of tools for filtering and manipulating various NGS format written in the Scala language.
Author: Kyle Hernandez
Email: kmhernan@utexas.edu
- Download and install SBT (here)[http://www.scala-sbt.org/]
git clone https://github.com/kmhernan/scalaNGS.git
or click theDownload as zip file
button to the right- Change to the scalaNGS folder
sbt update
sbt assembly
- The jar executable will be in
- The accessory R script for plotting QC data is located
- This requires the following libraries: ggplot2, grid, and reshape2
- Run from command-line as:
Rscript PlotQualityStats.R <input.stat> </ouput/prefix/of/image>
java -jar NGSTools.jar -T/-TOOL <tool> [-h/--help]
Available tools:
- FilterReads - Filters NGS reads based on user-inputs.
- ReadStatistics - Creates a tab-delimited file containing various statistics, which can be fed into the accessory R-script PlotQualityStats.R
usage: java -jar NGSTools.jar -T FilterReads -P/-PLATFORM solid
-I/-INPUT file.csfasta file.qual -O/-OUTPUT file.csfasta file.qual
[-START Int] [-END Int] [-HPOLY Double] [-MINQ Int] [--MISSING] [-h/--help]
Required Arguments:
-I/-INPUT Input raw read files: <file.csfasta> <file.qual>
-O/-OUTPUT Output filtered read files: <file.csfasta> <file.qual>
Optional Arguments:
-START 5' cut position (1-based index)
-END 3' cut position (1-based index)
-HPOLY Relative length of repetitive base to consider a homopolymer.
-MINQ Minimum average quality score allowed.
--MISSING Removes reads with missing data, required for mapping reads.
-h/--help Print this message and exit.
usage: java -jar NGSTools.jar -T FilterReads -P/-PLATFORM SE_illumina
-I/-INPUT file.fastq -O/-OUTPUT file.fastq -QV-OFFSET {33,64}
[-START Int] [-END Int] [-HPOLY Double] [-MINQ Int] [-NMISSING Int]
[-POLYA Double Int] [-h/--help]
Required Arguments:
-I/-INPUT <String> Input raw read files: <file.fastq> or <file.fastq.gz>
-O/-OUTPUT <String> Output filtered read files: <file.fastq>
-QV-OFFSET <String> Phred-scaled offset [33, 64]
Optional Arguments:
-START <Int> 5' cut position (1-based index)
-END <Int> 3' cut position (1-based index). Ex. AlfI: -START 1 -END 36
-HPOLY <Double> Relative length of repetitive base to consider a homopolymer. (Proportion of read length; e.g., between 0 and 1)
-MINQ <Int> Minimum average quality score allowed.
-NMISSING <Int> Lower limit for N's allowed.
-POLYA <Double> <Int> Takes two values:
1) ProportionLimit [Double] - If a read has trailing A's of length <value> * sequence length, trim them.
2) MinimumSize [Int] - If the trimmed sequence is shorter than <value>, remove it.
-h/--help Print this message and exit.
usage: java -jar NGSTools.jar -T FilterReads -P/-PLATFORM PE_illumina
{-R1/-READ1 file_R1.fastq -R2/-READ2 file_R2.fastq | -INTER file_R1_R2.fastq}
{-O1/-OUTREAD1 file_R1.fastq -O2/-OUTREAD2 file_R2.fastq | -OUT-INTER file_R1_R2.fastq}
-QV-OFFSET {33, 64} [-START Int] [-END Int] [-HPOLY Double] [-MINQ Int] [-NMISSING Int]
[-POLYA Double Int] [-h/--help]
Required Arguments:
Supports both separated and interleaved paired-end Fastq files.
If input Fastq files are separated (mate-pairs must be sorted in same order):
-R1/-READ1 <String> Input raw fastq file for first paired-end: <file_R1.fastq> or <file_R1.fastq.gz>
-R2/-READ2 <String> Input raw fastq file for second paired-end: <file_R2.fastq> or <file_R2.fastq.gz>
If input Fastq file is interleaved (pair 1 must always be followed by its mate-pair 2):
-INTER <String> Input raw fastq file containing both pairs: <file_R1_R2.fastq> or <file_R1_R2.fastq.gz>
Regardless of input format, reads can be written to either separated or interleaved fastq files:
-O1/-OUTPUT1 <String> Output separated fastq file for first paired-end: <file_R1.fastq>
-O2/-OUTPUT2 <String> Output separated fastq file for second paired-end: <file_R2.fastq>
-OUT-INTER <String> Output interleaved fastq file: <file_R1_R2.fastq>
-QV-OFFSET <Int> Phred-scaled offset [33, 64]
Optional Arguments:
-START <Int> 5' cut position (1-based index)
-END <Int> 3' cut position (1-based index). Ex. AlfI: -START 1 -END 36
-HPOLY <Double> Relative length of repetitive base to consider a homopolymer. (Proportion of read length; e.g., between 0 and 1)
-MINQ <Int> Minimum average quality score allowed.
-NMISSING <Int> Lower limit for N's allowed.
-POLYA <Double> <Int> Takes two values:
1) ProportionLimit <Double> - If a read has trailing A's of length <value> * sequence length, trim them.
2) MinimumSize <Int> - If the trimmed sequence is shorter than <value>, remove it.
-h/--help Print this message and exit.
usage: java -jar NGSTools.jar -T ReadStatistics -I/-INPUT file.fastq -QV-OFFSET [33,64] [-O/-OUTPUT file.txt] [-h/--help]
Required arguments:
-I/-INPUT <String> Input fastq file: <file.fastq> or <file.fastq.gz>
-QV-OFFSET <Int> Phred-scaled offset [33, 64]
Optional Arguments:
-O/-OUTPUT <String> Output stats file: <file.txt> [default stdout]
-h/--help Print this message and exit.