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Configuration File

Keenan Nicholson edited this page Jan 8, 2020 · 5 revisions

To facilitate easy configuration, all settings are located in the configuration.js javascript file, with each overarching setting class listed as a variable. (IE. system, headingTape, speedTape, etc.) We will cover setting details here:

Modifying Settings on the Pi

ssh -l pi
  • CD to the proper directory:
cd /var/www/ahrs
  • Modify the configuration.js file with nano (or your preferred command-line editor)
nano configuration.js
  • Change settings as needed.
  • Save and exit (nano) with ^x (control-x) then y then enter
  • After editing is complete, exit ssh



/** ******************************** SYSTEM ******************************** **/
var system = {
  // Overall system settings
  overlay_active: true, // Enable warning overlay on startup
  ahrs: {
    // Settings for the overall AHRS
    updateTimeout: 750, // Time (in ms) required for a metric to be set as invalid
    reloadAfterTimeoutCount: 4 // Number of times the timeout has to be hit before a reboot
  fmu: {
    // Settings for the overall AHRS
    updateTimeout: 1500 // Time (in ms) required for a metric to be set as invalid
  checkActiveTime: 2250,
  // Websocket URL for situation
  websocket_url: "ws://raspberrypi.local/situation",
  enable_ahrs_ws: false,
  // Websocket URL for FMU Update
  fmu_url: "ws://raspberrypi.local:8888",
  enable_fmu: false, // Enable FMU support - in development
  cpu_temp_warn: 70, // Temp at which the 'Temp' banner will be displayed (C)
  allow_reload: true, // Allows the app to automatically reload if it detects an issue
  status_url: "http://raspberrypi.local/getStatus",
  push_url: "http://raspberrypi.local",
  simulate: false
/** ******************************** ****** ******************************** **/
Variable Description
ahrs.updateTimeout Time (in ms) required for an AHRS source to timeout.
fmu.updateTimeout Time (in ms) required for an FMU source to timeout.
checkActiveTime Time (in ms) required for the whole system to reboot if no valid sources.
websocket_url URL of the AHRS websocket from stratux. Should remain constant.
fmu_url URL of the fmu websocket from stratux. In development.
enable_fmu Enable flag for the FMU. In development, recommend that this be false.
allow_reload Allows the system to auto-reload if the data connection to stratux fails.
status_url URL of the status webpage from stratux. Should remain constant.
simulate Simulation flag. Set to true to enable AHRS simulation mode.

Heading Indicator

/** ******************************* HEADING ******************************** **/
var headingTape = {
  // Compass / track tape at the bottom of the AHRS
  range: 30, // Visual range of degrees present at one time. IE: a
  // value of '30' allows 30 degrees visiable at all times.
  ticks_per_number: 10 // Specifies how often numbers are written on the tape.
  // A val of '10' means every 10th number is shown
/** ******************************* ******* ******************************** **/
Variable Description
range Range of degrees continually in view for the heading tape.
ticks_per_number Signifies how often a tick is displayed. 10 -> 0°, 10°, 20°,...

Speed Indicator

/** ******************************** SPEED ********************************* **/
var speedTape = {
  // Speed tape on the left of the AHRS
  lowerSpeed: 0, // Lower displayed speed given in the selected unit
  upperSpeed: 200, // Upper displayed speed given in the selected unit
  speeds: [
    // Speed color band configurations given in the selected unit
      color: COLORS.WHITE,
      start: 55,
      end: 115
      color: COLORS.GREEN,
      start: 64,
      end: 140
      color: COLORS.YELLOW,
      start: 140,
      end: 171
      color: COLORS.RED,
      start: 171,
      end: 200
  units: UNITS.KTS // Units for displaying speed and for speed config.
/** ******************************** ***** ********************************* **/
Variable Description
lowerSpeed Speed at the bottom of the speed tape. Usually 0.
upperSpeeds Speed at the top of the speed tape.
speeds Array containing multiple speed bands (colored 'arcs' on a traditional indicator'. See COLORS for possible arc colors.
units Unit for displaying speed. See UNITS for possible units (speed).


/** ******************************* ALTITUDE ******************************* **/
var altTape = {
  units: UNITS.FEET, // Units for displaying altitude
  altimeter_setting_unit: UNITS.INHG, // Units for entering altimeter settings (INHG, HPA or MILLIBAR)
  default_kollsman_inhg: 29.92, // Default kollsman setting for the baro altimeter (inHg)
  default_kollsman_millibar_hpa: 1013.2, // Default kollsman setting for the baro altimeter (millibar / hPa)
  kollsman_memory_seconds: 18000 // Number of seconds the kollsman setting will be remembered (cookie)
/** ******************************* ******** ******************************* **/
Variable Description
units Unit for displaying altitude. See UNITS for possible units (distance).
altimeter_setting_unit Default unit for the altimeter setting (UNITS.INHG, UNITS.HPA or UNITS.MB).
default_kollsman_inhg Default kollsman (altimeter) setting in inHg.
default_kollsman_millibar_hpa Default kollsman (altimeter) setting in hpa or millibar.
killsman_memory_seconds Number of seconds the altimeter setting will be remembered after setting (upon app restart).


/** ******************************** VSPEED ******************************** **/
var vspeedTape = {
  units: UNITS.FPM // Units for displaying vertical speed
/** ******************************** ****** ******************************** **/
Variable Description
units Unit for displaying vertical speed. See UNITS for possible units (speed).


/** ********************************* AHRS ********************************* **/
var ahrsTape = {
  // AHRS in the center of the AHRS
  limits: [30, -30], // Limits for the degrees that are displayed. Values
  // outside this range show chevrons
  degrees_in_view: 25, // Degrees in constant view (range)
  chevrons: 4, // Number of chevrons shown passed the limits
  chevron_space: 140 // Space given to each chevron (sizing)
/** ********************************* AHRS ********************************* **/
Variable Description
limits Total degree range for pitch. Chevrons past these values.
degrees_in_view Total degrees in continuous view.
chevrons Number of chevrons shown passed the degree limit.
chevron_space Space given to each chevron (style change).


/** ****************************** SLIP SKID ******************************* **/
var slipSkid = {
  multiplier: 6,  // Arbitrary scale for tuning slip-skid movement
  display: true
/** ****************************** SLIP SKID ******************************* **/
Variable Description
multiplier Unitless scale for tuning slip-skid movement. Modify if you notice incorrect indication scale.
display Whether or not to display the slip-skid indicator.

Turn Coordinator

/** *************************** TURN COORDINATOR *************************** **/
var turnCoordinator = {
  display: true
/** *************************** TURN COORDINATOR *************************** **/
Variable Description
display Whether or not to display the turn coordinator.


/** ******************************** G-Meter ******************************* **/
var gMeter = {
  display: true
/** ******************************** ******* ******************************* **/
Variable Description
display Whether or not to display the g-meter.

Satellite Count

/** ****************************** Sat Count ******************************* **/
var satCount = {
  display: true
/** ****************************** ********* ******************************* **/
Variable Description
display Whether or not to display the satellite counter.



Variable Name Unit Type Unit System
UNITS.KTS Knots Speed US
UNITS.MPH Miles per Hour Speed US
UNITS.FPS Feet per Second Speed US
UNITS.FPM Feet per Minute Speed US
UNITS.KPH Kilometers per Hour Speed SI
UNITS.MPS Meters per Second Speed SI
UNITS.MPM Meters per Minute Speed SI
UNITS.FEET Feet Distance US
UNITS.MILES Miles Distance US
UNITS.NAUTICLE_MILES Nautical Miles Distance US
UNITS.INHG Inches of Mercury Pressure US
UNITS.HPA Hectopascal Pressure SI


Variable Color