Knock API access for applications written in Elixir.
See the package documentation as well as API documentation for usage examples.
Add the package to your mix.exs
file as follows:
def deps do
{:knock, "~> 0.4"}
Start by defining an Elixir module for your Knock instance:
defmodule MyApp.Knock do
use Knock, otp_app: :my_app
To use the library you must provide a secret API key, provided in the Knock dashboard.
You can set it as an environment variable:
Or you can specify it manually in your configuration:
config :my_app, MyApp.Knock,
api_key: "sk_12345"
Or you can pass it through when creating a client instance:
knock_client = MyApp.Knock.client(api_key: "sk_12345")
|> Knock.Users.identify("jhammond", %{
"name" => "John Hammond",
"email" => "",
|> Knock.Users.get_user("jhammond")
|> Knock.notify("dinosaurs-loose", %{
# user id of who performed the action
"actor" => "dnedry",
# list of user ids for who should receive the notif
"recipients" => ["jhammond", "agrant", "imalcolm", "esattler"],
# an optional cancellation key
"cancellation_key" =>,
# an optional tenant
"tenant" => "jurassic-park",
# data payload to send through
"data" => %{
"type" => "trex",
"priority" => 1,
client = MyApp.Knock.client()
# Set preference set for user
Knock.Users.set_preferences(client, "jhammond", %{channel_types: %{email: true}})
# Set granular channel type preferences
Knock.Users.set_channel_type_preferences(client, "jhammond", :email, true)
# Set granular workflow preferences
Knock.Users.set_workflow_preferences(client, "jhammond", "dinosaurs-loose", %{
channel_types: %{email: true}
# Retrieve preferences
Knock.Users.get_preferences(client, "jhammond")
client = MyApp.Knock.client()
# Set channel data for an APNS
Knock.Users.set_channel_data(client, "jhammond", KNOCK_APNS_CHANNEL_ID, %{
tokens: [apns_token],
# Get channel data for the APNS channel
Knock.Users.get_channel_data(client, "jhammond", KNOCK_APNS_CHANNEL_ID)
|> Knock.Workflows.cancel("dinosaurs-loose",, %{
# optional list of user ids for who should have their notify canceled
"recipients" => ["jhammond", "agrant", "imalcolm", "esattler"],
You can use the excellent joken
package to sign JWTs easily.
You will need to generate an environment specific signing key, which you can find in the Knock dashboard.
If you're using a signing token you will need to pass this to your client to perform authentication. You can read more about clientside authentication here.
priv = System.get_env("KNOCK_SIGNING_KEY")
now = DateTime.utc_now()
claims = %{
# The user id to sign this key for
"sub" => user_id,
# When the token was issued
"iat" => DateTime.to_unix(now),
# When the token expires (1 hour)
"exp" => DateTime.add(now, 3600, :second) |> DateTime.to_unix()
signer = Joken.Signer.create("RS256", %{"pem" => priv})
{:ok, token, _} = Joken.generate_and_sign(%{}, claims, signer)