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CodeceptJS Lighthouse helper wraps lighthouse audit using playwright to perform audit check against your web application.

NPM package:


npm i codeceptjs-lighthouse-helper --save-dev


This helper should be added in your codeceptjs config file: codecept.conf.*


   helpers: {
     LighthouseHelper: {
      require: 'codeceptjs-lighthouse-helper',


  • To use this helper, you must enable Playwright helper.
  • After install the helper, you can use it by calling I.runPerformanceCheck()
  • If there is auto-complete for I actor, try running npx codeceptjs def


By default, this setting is enabled:

  • thresholds: { performance: 10, accessibility: 30, 'best-practices': 30, seo: 30, pwa: 30, }
  • htmlReport: true
  • outputDir: 'output',
  • reportFileName: 'accessibility-audit.html',
  • port: 9222

More info could be found here

Feature("Performance Check with Lighthouse")
		chromium: {
			args: [`--remote-debugging-port=9222`],
Scenario("Performance check", async () => {
	await I.runPerformanceCheck({ reportFileName: 'customname' });


CodeceptJS v3.4.1 #StandWithUkraine
Using test root "/Users/thanh.nguyen/Desktop/codeceptjs-lighthouse-helper/test"
Helpers: Playwright, LighthouseHelper
Plugins: screenshotOnFail, allure

Performance Check with Lighthouse --
    [1]  Starting recording promises
 › [Suite Config] Playwright {"chromium":{"args":["--remote-debugging-port=9222"]}}
 › [Session] Starting singleton browser session
  Performance check
    I am on page ""
    I run performance check {"reportFileName":"customname"}

-------- playwright lighthouse audit reports --------

performance record is 74 and desired threshold was 10
accessibility record is 78 and desired threshold was 30
best-practices record is 100 and desired threshold was 30
seo record is 92 and desired threshold was 30
pwa record is 30 and desired threshold was 30
  ✔ OK in 14844ms

 › [Suite Config] Reverted for Playwright

  OK  | 1 passed   // 16s

Parallel Executions

It's a little tricky to run lighthouse tests in parallel due to we need to set a specific port for each test, but it's not impossible. To do this we need to create a custom parallel execution, an example could be found at bin/parallel.js

Then your test file:

const {I} = inject()
let conf = require('codeceptjs').config.get()
let port
const urls = { homepage: ''}

Feature('Performance tests')

Before(() => {
    conf.helpers.Playwright.chromium.args.forEach(arg => {
        if (arg.includes('remote-debugging-port') === true) {
            port = arg.split('=')[1]

Object.entries(urls).forEach(item => {
    const [pageName, pageUrl] = item
    Scenario.only(`Lighthouse audit test for ${pageName}`, async () => {
        await I.runPerformanceCheck({outputDir: 'hello', port})

Allure report

Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 17 31 20