Team Code on Helios:
Team Members:
Christina Diamanti
Konstantinos Sideris
For this project we used two Virtual Machines, one had the role of the Master and the other of the Slave. Each VM was assigned with an IPv6 address, and the Master was also assigned a public IPv4 address. The two VMs communicate over an IPv4 local network.
OS | CPUs | RAM | Disk space |
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS | 4 | 8GB | 30GB |
VM | Local Net IPv4 |
Master | |
Slave | |
Project is created with:
- OpenJDK 1.8.0_352
- Apache Hadoop 3.3.4
- Apache Spark 3.3.1
- Scala 2.13.10
- SBT 1.8.2
To install and configure the aforementioned go to the README in the setup folder where all the necessary steps are described in detail.
The kubernetes folder contains instructions for setting up Kubernetes IPv6 Cluster using kubeadm. However, we did not end up using the cluster so it is not a necessary part of the set up.
The Dataset used for this project is the TLC Trip Record Data. More specifically we used data from the Yellow Taxi Trip Records for the months of January to June of 2022. All taxi trip records were in parquet format. We also used the taxi zone lookup csv file found in this link, which we needed to be able to connect LocationID information with the name of the zone of the Location. Yellow taxi trip records include fields capturing pick-up and drop-off dates/times, pick-up and drop-off locations, trip distances, itemized fares, rate types, payment types, airport fees, and driver-reported passenger counts.