Assembly and C programming for Intel 8085 microprocessor and ATmega16 AVR microcontroller.
- (1-1.8085) Binary timer in Assembly.
- (1-2.8085) Hexadecimal to decimal calculator in Assembly.
- (1-3.8085) Automated wagon simulator in Assembly.
- (2-1.asm, 2-1.c) Logic circuit in Assembly and C.
- (2-2.asm) Interupt counter in Assembly.
- (2-3.c) Led counter with interupts in C.
- (3-1.c) Electronic alarm in C.
- (3-2.asm) Electronic alarm with messages on 7-segment display in Assembly.
- (4-1.asm) CO detector and alarm using timer/counter in Assembly.
- (4-2.c) CO detector and alarm using timer/counter in C.
- (5.c) Pulse-width modulation voltage meter using timer/counter in C.