Esap is a set of utilities to speed things up for writing posts on
Currently being developed for my personal use.
You can install esap with pip
$ git clone
$ cd esap
$ pip install .
Go to and login to your team.
Click SETTINGS on the left side of the screen.
Select User Settings > Applications from the left pane.
Click Register new application.
Fill in the form like below and save it.
Name Value Name esap Homepage URL Redirect URI urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob
http://localhost:8080/ -
Click esap that you just created.
You will see the Client ID and Client Secret. Now run the following command. Note that you need to replace
<your client id>
and<your client secret>
with the values you just got.$ mkdir -p ~/.esap $ touch ~/.esap/client_secrets $ chmod 600 ~/.esap/client_secrets $ echo "client_id=<your client id>" >> ~/.esap/client_secrets $ echo "client_secret=<your client secret>" >> ~/.esap/client_secrets
Run the following command and you will be asked to open the URL in your browser. After you click Authorize, you will be given a code. Copy and paste it to the terminal and you are done!
$ python >>> import esap >>> client = esap.EsaClient()
You can upload any file to your team's storage with upload_attachment
import esap
client = esap.EsaClient()
team = client.team_service('your_team_name')
file = esap.File('path/to/file')
url = team.upload_attachment(file)
The output will be:
You can render uploaded files in the form of markdown text with render_attachment
import esap
client = esap.EsaClient()
team = client.team_service('your_team_name')
file = esap.File('path/to/an/image.png')
url = team.upload_attachment(file)
markdown = esap.markdown.render_attachment(file, url)
The output will be:
<img alt="image.png" src="">
This is where esap shines. You can upload all files listed in pandas DataFrame and render it as a markdown table with upload_and_render_table
import collections
import os
import pandas as pd
import esap
animal_names = ['dog', 'cat']
filter_names = ['original', 'grayscale']
data = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for filter_name in filter_names:
for animal_name in animal_names:
path = os.path.join('assets', filter_name, f'{animal_name}.jpg')
data[filter_name][animal_name] = esap.File(path)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
client = esap.EsaClient()
team = client.team_service('your_team_name')
markdown = team.upload_and_render_table(df)
The output will be:
| | original | grayscale |
| :---- | :-------- | :-------- |
| dog | <img alt="dog.jpg" src=""> | <img alt="dog.jpg" src=""> |
| cat | <img alt="cat.jpg" src=""> | <img alt="cat.jpg" src=""> |
The table will be rendered like this:
original | grayscale | |
dog | ||
cat |