Table of contents:
- DL methods for Blind Source Separation: One of the winners of MUSDB18 signal separation competition
Open-Unmix is based on a three-layer bidirectional deep LSTM. The model learns to predict the magnitude spectrogram of a target, like vocals, from the magnitude spectrogram of a mixture input.
ANICA. Adversarial Non-linear ICA: Maximizing Independence with GANs for Non-linear ICA. Implemented in 2017, for Python2 and Tensorflow1
ICE-BeeM: Identifiable Conditional Energy-Based Deep Models Based on Nonlinear ICA. Under certain constraints, non-linearly mixed sources are proven to be uniquely identifiable:
- Nonstationarity (time-contrastive learning)
- Temporal dependencies (permutation-contrastive learning)
- Existence of auxiliary variable (e.g. iVAE)
Vanila VAE for 2d slices of task-based fMRI. VAE_for_fMRI folder in current repository
3D VAE regression network for MRI. Published in MICCAI 2019