This is a Panasonic PIR breakout board. It breaks out their TO-5 sensors onto 0.1"/2.54mm pitch headers, for use with a solderless breadboard.
Here is what it looks like currently:
Top (alongside the EKMC1601111):
Rear (note the filled in gold area on one pin of the PIR, it goes with the * on the board and denotes ground):
The simplest way is to just click through to this shared project on OSHPark's site. You'll get three boards with purple soldermask.
If you prefer using your own CNC/mill/board house, just grab the Gerber files and KiCAD source and bobs (nearly) your uncle. If you really are going to use a CNC/mill/etch, it might be ideal to drop a polygon fill on both sides to minimize the amount of copper that needs to be removed.
Pick a sensor (these have been verified to fit on this breakout):
Model | Vendor |
EKMB1303112 | Mouser |
EKMC1601111 | Digikey |
You'll also need a strip of 0.1"/2.54mm header, but this is optional (since you may use wire to permanently install the breakout later).
Quantity | Description/Vendor |
1 | 36-pin header: Mouser: 649-68004-236 / Alternative (3-pin, untested!): Mouser: 571-1031853 |
CC0 1.0 Universal (the LICENSE file has more details)