A repository of build tools used to cook assets for use in PKRenderer.
- GLSL To spriv compilation.
- .obj to custom binary mesh format conversion.
- Lossless file compression (Huffman encoding).
- Converts glsl shader files to .pkshader files.
- Supports multiple compilation (in source glsl: #pragma pk_multi_compile VARIANT0 VARIANT1).
- The following attributes are parsed & stored from the source glsl:
- Vertex attributes.
- Descriptor sets.
- Material property layout.
- Rasterization parameters (blend mode, cull face, depth test mode, etc.).
- multi compile keyword map.
- Converts .obj files to binary files (.pkmesh) containing interleaved vertex data, index buffer & vertex buffer attributes.
- Optimizes output vertex & index buffers using zeux meshoptimizer.
- Generates meshlets and a directed acyclic graph lod structure.
- Add support for gltf conversion.
- Implement some form of asset packaging.
- C++ 17 support required
- mikktspace
- meshoptimizer
- tinyobjloader
- SPIRV-Reflect
- msdf-atlas-gen
- shaderc
- Due to the large sizes of the static libraries they were omitted from this repository. You can get them from the link above.
- shaderc_combined.lib & shaderc_combinedd.lib specifically.